Saturday, August 30, 2008

Paul Begala is all butthurt.

(CNN) -- John McCain needs what Kinky Friedman calls "a checkup from the neck up."

In choosing Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin to be his running mate, he is not thinking "outside the box," as some have said. More like out of his mind.

Smell that? That's one scared pinko, right there.

Yeah, Paul, I'd be all bitter if my guy had just announced a dull gray flannel Veep with all the charisma of a tub of library paste, too. Plus, Barry ain't the prettiest girl at the dance no more, as a commenter at Wachel's pointed out. Sucks to be you right now.


  1. "I'd be all bitter if my guy had just announced a dull gray flannel Veep with all the charisma of a tub of library paste, too."

    Where do you come up with this stuff?

  2. library paste is very underrated, you know.

  3. And, unlike Biden, she can use her own life story, rather than cribbing from Left Behind looser lefty Labourites.

  4. It's not half as crazy as sticking the Obominator at the top of the ticket.

    Crazy like a fox maybe. McCain has been accused of many faults, some accurately, but he has never been accused of either stupidity or cowardice even by his greatest foes.

  5. And unlike Biden it's her own real hair, not plugs inserted with delicious library paste.

  6. "I'm your enemy. I want you to fail.

    Here are some suggestions to help you beat me..."

    I wonder if back in 1942 the CBS Radio Network expected President Roosevelt to pay attention to an advice column by Admiral Nagumo.

  7. I LOVED this comment on the Begala piece-

    "Great thoughts!!! My 84 year old father, mother, brothers (who are Dem delegates), sisters and kids are all astounded and dismayed."

    We other enemies of McCain don't like it either! He should do what people who would never vote for him, even if the Democrat were Stalin, want him to do!

    Submit word, nfngfed


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