Friday, August 15, 2008

Readin', Writin', Reloadin'.

One school district in Texas has decided to step up and do the common sense thing to combat the possibility of school violence. In the coming school year, teachers with toter's permits in the Harrold, TX school district will get to take their practicum in pistol packing.


  1. Wonderful news, one school district and three thousand to go. Isn't this the same Texas that took Baptist busloads of women and children into protective custody? Such a large state with so many wonders to see everywhere.

  2. Hey, we only took a few acres of beach on June Six, too, but that didn't keep us from crossing the Rhine.

  3. When I read this on "A keyboard and a .45" last night, I looked up the email address of the Superintendent and sent him an e-mail praising his courage and letting him know some of us think it was the right decision. I've no doubt he'll get a lot of criticism in the coming weeks, he should get some support too.

  4. Great idea, Phillip!

  5. I'm sorry, folks, I have to say this. Union rules. Ahem:

    "Oh, my God, won't someone think of the liability? Those people are going to get sued out of existence! And why aren't they working on their diversity agenda? If they did more diversity inservice training, they might not have to carry guns around to protect themselves from their students!"

    This message brought to you by the NEA.
    "The NEA! Because gun control, abortion, and a Democratic majority in Congress are keys to education!"

  6. In the 1980s, I attended a richy rich private school in the deep south that let teachers carry guns. That school had had a riot or something years back. One teacher, an eighth grade Latin teacher, made a point of wearing has handgun openly in the halls and threatening to use it on kids in his class if anyone tried anything violent. I think it was the first time I ever saw a teacher as an enemy, and the only time I ever saw a teacher as a mortal enemy.

  7. Yea Anonymous... But did you do anything violent??? This sound like a "Tall Tale" to me. Iffen little Anony had gone home and mentioned this incident to his parents I'm sure this would have made national headlines.

  8. Yeah, I are skeptical about that.

    Extraordinary claims require extraordinary proof. Care to share the name of the school with us? Heck, the name of the teacher would be good, too; I'm fairly certain he won't strap on his popper and hunt you down at this late stage in the game.


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