Tuesday, August 05, 2008

That could be bad...

So we're in the produce section at Kroger the other day, getting fixin's for a pot roast, and we happen to notice a little mixup in the pepper department.

There's a basket of little orange peppers and a basket of long green ones. Under the long green ones it says "Habaneros" and under the little orange ones, it says "Anaheims". Someone in West Knoxville is going to be told "Honey, I want to try this new Southwestern Grill recipe; I've always wanted to try cooking Tex-Mex. Here's a list of stuff I need from the grocery store..."

Hilarity ensues.


  1. Yike!

    I use Anaheim peppers to make Mexican corn soup (recipe stolen from Austin Grille). But the thought of using Habaneros instead of Anaheims is... is... wow.

  2. Some practical joker must've switched the signs, but any decent cook would know which one's which.

  3. That'd be a terrible joke to play on someone who doesn't know their peppers.

  4. Anyone who doesn't know a bit about chiles shouldn't be cooking with them.

  5. Habaneros are a little small for rellenos...

  6. I grow Habeneros.

    I still haven't found anybody stupi, err "brave" enough to eat them besides me.

    Anaheims score 500-2500 on the Scoville scale, Habs score 100,000-350,000, and the varietal I grow(Red Savinas) score over half a million..

  7. Whoof, reminds me of the time I got two roasted jalapenos with my lunch one day. Safety nibbled the first to make sure before chomping. Popped the second into my mouth without taste testing.

    Whoops! Couldn't do anything but gulp water and air for the next thirty minutes, and for the next five hours could tell you it's approximate location in my GI tract. Then OFF to the restroom to melt the porcelain chair!


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