Wednesday, August 06, 2008

There's the circus. Where's the bread?

Obama the charismatic Rorschach candidate; McCain the ill-tempered oligarch; Cynthia McKinney, on work release from the funny farm to be the Green Party candidate; Bob Barr, who has promised the Libertarians that he will bite the head off this live chicken if they will please just let him be their candidate... The cast of characters in this election season is shaping up like the denizens of the Island of Misfit Toys from a live Broadway production of Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer.

It says nothing good about the state of electoral affairs in our fair republic when you watch Paris Hilton's spoof of McCain and think "Well, how is she really any worse or less qualified than the current array of choices?"


  1. "Obama the Rorshach candidate"

    Saaaayyyyy.... I think that was a RACIST ATTACK against The Annointed One.

    ('cuz apparently anything other than fawning adoration of him is)

  2. Holy crap, that is almost exactly what I thought when I saw that video...

    (Well, I saw the recap on the morning news. Googling "Paris Hilton Video" is guaranteed to lead to baaaaad things on your PC...)

  3. "There's the circus. Where's the bread?"

    No bread, just lots of clowns...

  4. God, that's horrible.

    She's rich enough that she probably doesn't desire power, at least not the way the others do. She might actually be a better candidate.

  5. i'm waiting for the followup vid where she announces her vice...

    no, paris, dear...vice president, not your personal habits...oh what the hell, as long as it's on it-tube...

  6. Well, at least she would be upfront about what she did in the Oval Office.

  7. I think she would be a good candidate.

    1) She is too rich to be bought
    2) She is reasonably smart away from her persona.
    3) She has no political ambition
    4) She has no political powerbase or agenda
    5) She can't be any worse then the others.

  8. Well Damn, since the Donald is busy, and the mighty Fred, never got in gear, I think I'll write her in.

    IF for no other reason than to piss of Hillary, we should elect Paris Hilton.

    I feel a Science Fiction movie coming on....

    President Schwarzenegger!!!!

  9. of course by her logic, Britney Spears is also running for prez.

  10. The bread would be welfare and other types of "social assistance". So yes, we do have bread and circuses already.

    What's sad is the fact that she really is as good a choice as what we've got, and I've got the feeling that since she comes from a wealthy family, she's been taught to get smart people around her and listen to advice, the whole two brains are better than one thing. Plus, she's probably smart enough to know she don't know jack about how to lead a country, so she'd get some decent managers.

    Doesn't meet the age requirements, though. Maybe we could pick someone else that fits, or get an exemption?

  11. Pure eloquence. I'm beginning to miss George Bush already, and I don't especially like him.


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