Friday, August 08, 2008

Who writes this stuff?

Okay, so, Russian tanks have rolled into Georgia; Russki fighter bombers are swooping around, bombing the crap out of stuff. What does our intrepid journalist write?
News reports documented fierce clashes between Georgian and Russian forces -- engagements that caused deaths, property damage, and population displacement...
No! Really?!? Not property damage! Quick! Call State Farm! I swear, what are they teaching at journalism school these days? This clown could have muffed D-Day:
Allied and German forces clashed along the beaches of Normandy today, snarling traffic, damaging vacation cottages, and killing some people. Also, a woman reported having her hair mussed by a 14" shell from the USS Texas.
This is a military invasion, for chrissakes, not a tornado in a traffic jam.


  1. And next Tiffany will report on D-day school closings, and a cancellation of the ladies book club tea.

  2. Congratulations; this was the first thing to make me laugh out loud on a day when everybody in the house not only got up on the wrong side of the bed, but quite possibly an impostor bed.

  3. I thought I heard something loud coming from over by Dalton!

    "One U.S. State Department official called the conflict a "very dangerous situation"...

    That's the sort of piercing insight only an advanced degree from Harvard can provide.

    And I see that Georgia sent 2000 soldiers to help us out in Iraq. Will we return the favor?


  4. staghounds: Dear Eris I hope not. The last thing we need right now is a f'n fight with the Russians.

  5. One of the pictures with the CNN article showed rockets being launched from what looks like a BM-30. Yeah, I bet there was property damage.

  6. It's Katrina with the Tanks! Water damage! "God help them when the levee breaks, they'll have no place to go" - or is that from High School Musical with Rain?

  7. Women, minorities hardest hit. Video at 11.

  8. DAMN that unilateral cowboy George W Bush!

  9. Well, it'll give all those heads of state gathered in China for the Olympics something to talk about besides sports...

  10. I watched the news early in the day about the invasion, complete with Russian TV Channel 1 footage of a tank column on the way across the border and Sukhoi Frogfoots winging by. Then, come 6:30 pm, the national news barely mentioned it at all. Much too excited by the Olympics.

    And I was left to wonder, as China attempts to show the world they really are a major player, was this Russia's reminder that they still like us all to think of them as a Superpower?

  11. I'm waiting for the first CNN news crew out in Georgia to interview the most rednecky person they can find (including velvet Adidas track suit!) to explain the sound of explosions on TV!

  12. Oh, and one more thought on the whole property damage issue caused by the invasion:
    Like a good neighbor, State Run Farmski is there.

  13. The reason for this is that the American people in general, and the left in particular have somehow gotten the idea that wars can be fought with no one getting hurt, and nothing being damaged except VALID military targets. After of course determining that the military targets actually had hostile intent, that there is no possible way that any attacks will cause collateral damage, and that we are not simply targeting the equipment based on racial or religious profiling, because that would just be wrong. Wrong, I say!

  14. Wouldn't "It's War!" save more paper and keep the hippie environmentalists happier?

  15. " 'They are killing civilians, women and children, with heavy artillery and rockets,' Sarmat Laliyev, 28, told AP."

    That is some *precision* artillery fire right there. Who'da thought they could fuze HE to explode only near certain demographics?

  16. The Russians do not do war neatly; they intend for the people on the wrong end of Russian guns to know they've been defeated.

    And they don't give a rats' ass about Political Correctness.

  17. Georgia! The Russians have invaded georgia and all you are worried about is how it is written up in the press. Why hasn't there been a call for arms, why aren't the militias rolling out, where are all of a goshdarned troops Why aren't we counterattacking. How in heck did they make it over here without us seeing them coming. Man I goota go get the graba nd go kits, I am heading to the hills to regroup and plan the counterstrikes.


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