Monday, August 25, 2008


Woke up yesterday at 6:30AM (that's 0630 in tacticalspeak) at Blackwater. Spent most of the day on the range, 'til about 3:30ish. Packed up, rode the rock star Blackhawk! bus back to where the Nazi slot car was parked. Mad props to Caleb, who noticed that the effects of the sunburn had me hanging on my chin strap and cancelled his flight to share the driving chores back to Indy. I stayed awake the whole trip on conversation, caffeine, and leftover adrenaline.

I have so, so, so much to blog about, but it's going to have to wait 'til after I crash, y'all. More later...


  1. I know it sounds all herbally newage kinda stuff, but years of sunburn experience have taught me that using aloe vera extract actually DOES help heal sunburns. If you can keep a small bottle of the pure stuff in the fridge, it also is very soothing on the skin as it cools down the inflammation. Drink plenty o' fluids, too.

    Can't wait to read your review of the Para 9mm.

  2. Caleb is a real mensch, isn't he?

  3. Glad to see you guys made it back without incident.

  4. Cudos to Caleb.

    Or is it "kudos"?

  5. Caleb wanted to drive the german skateboard. :-)


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