Sunday, September 14, 2008


Boy, do I hates me some of that new SiteMeter...

What a colossal pain in the butt, and all to make it more geeky and pump it full of data overload. The reason I liked SiteMeter is that it wasn't buried in slow loading charts; if I wanted to drown in data and pie charts, I'd go play with my Google Analytics account...


  1. yup, it seems i can't find any of the info i was using with the old version. kind of useless now, for me at least.

  2. Oh Greatness that is TAM.... guide us as we try to figure out this new pil-o-crap which is Sitemeter!

    Sheesh... what a load of garbage it just turned into. Utterly useless for anything I relied on it for in the olden days of 12 hours ago.

    Got any thoughts on an alternative Tam? Given what Sitemeter looks like now, I'll probably just dump it pretty soon.

    I enjoy seeing who has visited my blog.... and Sitemeter doesn't seem to be able to show me that anymore without going through more hoops that it's worth.

  3. My E-mail to Sitemeter:

    Perhaps... just perhaps... Sitemeter could have given folks the option of seeing their data in the old format rather than the new.

    I enjoyed Sitemeter mostly for getting a look at who was visiting my blogs. I could click on location and individual visit data and see when my friends stopped by. I could look at details and see who spent time reading. I could look at referrals and see who was sending people my way....

    The new version of Sitemeter is so hard to navigate for these uses, compared to the old, that I probably just won't bother.

    Oh well... it was free, and good things for free seldom last.
    I'm off to search for a better alternative. I'll have help.. most of my blog friends are making the same search.

  4. I'm still exploring it. There are a couple of features (like searching for IP addresses) that I've wanted for a long time, but so far those advantages are more than offset by the bloat and difficulty of navigation.

    There's a similar service called that I used for a few months. I liked SiteMeter better then, but HitTail might be an attractive alternative now.

    Sitemeter is going to see huge backlash over this. They'll scramble to fix the problems in the next few weeks. I wouldn't be surprised to see them offer a classic Sitemeter interface.

  5. I awoke to find my sitemeter link just GONE on my sidebar. I saw an email from them giving me migration directions. I tried to log in to the migration log in, and it says my email doesn't exist. But that's the email I get my stuff from them. I wrote the help desk as to why now, my email doesn't exist. They sent me an email. . TO THAT EMAIL, that sorry it doesn't exist. I can register as a new customer but I'll lose all my saved stats.


  6. Count your blessings you can get to it at all.

    It's rife with problems that makes me wonder if they bothered testing it. I mean, my stats are hidden behind a link with a freakin' space in it for cryin' out loud.

    Ach, I just paid the $59 for another year so I could save a couple bucks. If I had known, I wouldn't have.

    I mean, how long does it take to count to ten, my normal daily visitor count?

  7. I agree, the new sitemeter is completely unusable. They have also removed a lot of features from the free service. I have just switched to statcounter, it's not as good as the old sitemeter but it's definitely better than the new one.

  8. In dirtbiker parlance, "Blows Goats, it does."

    I'd be a little more tolerant if it didn't take 2-3 minutes for a page to load.

    It's not my connection, since 1.5MBit can move most anything short of a DVD image pretty darn fast.

  9. I gave it the Mausers and Muffins Lead Muffin award today.

  10. I haven't been able to see it yet. It says my email isn't registered.

  11. Don it did that to me as well. Make sure you are logging in on the bottom half of the two log in lines that come up when you click "log in". The top is for new users, and the bottom, which is partially hidden by other writing, is for this one.

    It still didn't work until the 6th try. Five for my best friend who had the same issue.

  12. There's always some young genius who thinks they need to "fix" something that isn't broken.

  13. I want the old one back. I can't see any "outclicks" on my visits anymore and that helped me figure out which topics were most popular with my readers. Also most of my weekend stats are gone. I thought they were tracking them?

  14. Well, they've angered a couple of the really heavy hitters in the blogging world, Ace and Ann Althouse, so they're sure to take notice of the unhappiness about this. Definitely a FUBAR situation right now.

  15. Looks like they're rolling it back to the former system. However, Now when I go on MY blog and yours, after a few seconds, it spirits me over to Dell Search Page. Is that my computer or is it blogger or what? *angst*

  16. I just wonder how many customers they'll lose, regardless of the rollback. I wasn't a paying customer, but it took me all of about 15 minutes to create a StatCounter account and update my template. I figure I might as well stick with 'em and see how it works out. I'm not really worried about losing my total hit count, since in 6 years of blogging I've used 5 hosts, and 4 blogging packages, and the traffic data has been lost at least twice, plus I didn't start using Shite-o-Meter until I was some months into host and blogware 3.

  17. I've been on the verge of getting rid of SiteMeter anyway. This was just the last straw.

  18. I've been procrastinating for two weeks on looking at StatCounter:

    I'm having the same problem as Brigid with Sitemeter eating my email address and not letting me log in.


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