Monday, September 15, 2008

Gun Zen.

I managed to wax all profound on teh intarw3bz last night:
Where the bullet lands is a lot more important than what the bullet is. Train to make the bullets land where you want.
I are deep.


  1. If one misses, one shall miss low and to the left. Thou shalt aim three quarters high. - Todd 2:45

  2. "Train to make the bullets land where you want." wasn't that what technology was supposed to replace? Training? Shoot lots of bullets something is going to hit? But I do agree, getting hit with FMJ or hollowpoint only matters to victim and medical team, missing just messes up the crime scene for the investigators.

    You have said it well.

  3. "If one misses, one shall miss low and to the left. Thou shalt aim three quarters high."

    Unless you shoot leftie.

  4. Remember the TRUE Zen of Shooting :

    BE the bullet.

    That is all, Grasshopper.

    Kewpy viff vix.

  5. The trick to using a 148gr. HBWC is to turn it around when you seat it and put the big hole out the muzzle first.


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