Tuesday, September 23, 2008

I wonder what color the sky is in her world?

Proof that the political spectrum, like the universe, is curved: If you go far enough out to the left, they start sounding just like the guy at the gun show selling freeze-dried lima beans and timeshares in Coeur d'Alene.


  1. Couer d'Alene is very nice this time of year...

    Freeze dried limas are teh sux0r, howsomever.

    So, what do liberal moonbats stock up on, for TEOTWAWKI?

  2. I loved Insty's comment. Noting that Palin had driven Wolf crazy, he adds, "But she was close enough to walk."

    Sounded like it might have been one of your utterances.


  3. So, after posting the original comment and leaving to run some errands, I got several more comments in my head...

    Reminds me of the line Terry Pratchett uses occasionally "So far to the left she comes at it from the other direction."

    And, now that you have tricked me into visiting the HuffPo, I must exorcise my computer. The ritual involves cigars, single malt scotch, and readings from Robert A Heinlein, Jeff Cooper, and P.J. O'Rourke.

  4. Darn D.W. you beat me to it. Though I have to say the funniest time he used that expression was with coffee.

  5. The Kool-Aid sure is strong, over there.

  6. "So, what do liberal moonbats stock up on, for TEOTWAWKI?"

    Hope and Change.

  7. It's almost refreshing, in its own way, to read loopy conspiracy ravings from the left.

    Heretofore I'd always thought that the political right had the market on crackpots cornered, especially those given to gobshiting about Manning The Barricades on the Glorious Day. This young lady changes all that.

    I'm not the least bit surprised at her level of alarm. I mean, put yourself in the poor author's position; here you are nearly calling for revolution, and more than half your audience thinks that the State should be the only ones with the guns.

    I'd have the vapours too!


  8. Huh?

    I'm sorry, I couldn't hear you. I was too busy cleaning the Garand and digging a slit trench in the herb garden I heard that the streets were about to be full of revolting hippies...


  9. Sadly, these batty types are useless. They don't even eat mosquitoes. BTW, I used my handheld bug zapper racquet tonight and killed a bunch of skeeters. I perhaps enjoyed it more than would be considered healthy.

  10. I always imagine that they're hippies. Especially when they spark and make that little charred popping noise.

  11. The first time I heard the idea that the political spectrum was a circle was in high school. This is the second. I am a moderate. Only problem is that I am on the opposite side of the circle.

  12. The other option, the one I have long prayed we would never need to even consider, is a total revolution.
    and how - pray tell - will that be done without the evil gun? Didn't Heinlein say something to the effect of, the meek shall inherit the earth, in little 6 x 2 plots.

  13. They're always talking about a Revolution, they freaking revolve around it - it's the big circle in which they sit with the bong going around. But they want someonme else to do it since they're all full of Lurv and Pease. Mostly they're full of kaka and the circle is a dungheap.
    Stay outside their circle, and upwind if you can help it.

  14. I checked it out, and there were 335 comments posted. How could anyone possibly wade through all that?

    I don't think it's just hippies who revolt any more, though. It's soccer moms with lattes, too. 'Course they don't have time in their schedules for a revolt.

    Oh, well..


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