Monday, September 08, 2008

Lunchtime comfort food...

Thin-sliced Swiss cheese + wine-soaked Sopressata + Kavli crispy thin crispbread = A Italo-Norse-Swiss taste treat.



  1. Grilled ham and swiss at the Scottish Rite Cathedral cafe. With potato chips and a big chocolate chip cookie for dessert...yum for me anyway ;)

  2. I had to google Sopressata and discovered its about the same summer sausage that i make from venison , pork , or beef or a combo of all the above lol . Damm you for living where you can just trot down and buy it . rather than hunt and grind your own .

  3. "Thin-sliced Swiss cheese + wine-soaked Sopressata + Kavli crispy thin crispbread = A Italo-Norse-Swiss taste treat."

    We used to take those up deer hunting when I was a kid; made for a good lunch after hunting all morning.

  4. Can you make sopressata outta badger?

  5. Wonderful, Tams -- similar to my cross-cultural favorite: Boars Head Hot Sopressata from the Kroger supermarket deli with Gruyère on Doritos Hint-of-Lime or Mission plain tortilla chips. Italo/Swiss/Tex-Mex combo.

    Rich Lucibella brought a couple of huge links of Sopressata from his local deli to hunt camp one spring, too. Superb on thin slices of crusty Italian bread.


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