Thursday, September 04, 2008

Mating signals of h. campus idioticus... noted by veteran idjit-spotter, Crankyprof:
If you do not understand what is wrong with wearing a red shirt with a huge graphic of Chairman Mao on it while carrying a ratty-assed backpack plastered with “FREE TIBET” stickers, there is no help for you.


  1. ... must remember that LOL'ing in the office is bad form....

  2. I posted my comment at CrankyProf's site. There's this guy called ElliotG I had to give "here's your sign" to.

  3. It just goes to show that kids don't actually learn anything in college anymore.

    So tell me again why state university budgets just keep going up and up and up...

  4. Maybe the kid forgot to take his Ritalin and wore the same shirt he wore to a protest the day before.

    He needs to get back on track. He might misread the rally schedule and show up at a Klan lovefest singing "We Shall Overcome."

  5. I LOL in the office all the time, and its totally cool here.

    And that was a good one...I just felt every situp I did last night from that one!


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