Friday, September 26, 2008 with 90% less content!


Between the gun board drama starting to boil over and beating my head against the WordPress wall this morning, I've got bupkis. It's a good post that would have gone up at Casa Marko, but I haven't been doing my usual surfing and such that turns up three things to make fun of before 8AM every morning.

And worse, unlike the four other very talented writers who contributed their musings at Marko's, I am a commercialized, sellout hack; a SiteMeter ho'. If I don't have content up at VFTP before the Eight O'Clock Rush, I start breaking out in hives. You can imagine that RobertaX is showing the patience of a saint by not having locked me in the basement after my third pacing-the-floor, cussing-at-the-screen rant this morning.

Ah well, life goes on. I'll try and get something readable up here before too long...


  1. It's OK Tam, we still love you.

  2. tam, post your mw contribution here at vftp...jtc

  3. Cussing at the screen rant? That's called a podcast in some quarters, ainna?

    I guess you gotta record it, though.

  4. Just post a photo of your toes. Or the cat. Or the cats toes.

  5. Tam - Remember, you write for yourself first, not for us.

  6. I am sure that Roberta has the patience of a saint, and the sure knowledge that locking you up in the basement would not do good things to the foundation the whole house sits upon. Much too big a Tiger...

  7. Think dark thoughts, like 60% cacao...mmmm...

    There is a reason why novelists tend to thank their spouses and family in the dedication, and then thank those same relatives for tolerating the author during the creative birthing process.

    Okay, that metaphor went a little over the top, but still, writing has never been money for nothing and checks for free.

  8. I have a real job and seldom get here before 9PM anyway...


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