Friday, September 19, 2008

Overheard at the Fresh Market...

(Scene: Ritzy grocery store interior, register on the end, new cashier, with a couple other cashiers chatting nearby.)

Cash Register (scanning beer): *BEEP!*

New Cashier: "I need to see your ID please, honey."

Me (eyes wide, lunging for pocket): "REALLY?!?"

OG Cashier: "No, she's been through my line before. She's fine."

Me: "Dammit, what'd you go and do that for? This was the highlight of my week!"

New Cashier: "You can still show it to me if you want to, I guess..."

Me: "Y'all saw that, though, right? She totally carded me for beer. OMG, wait 'til I get home and tell the whole internet about this; it's gonna be awesome! Thankyouthankyou!"


  1. Damn high school kids like you shouldn't be buying beer!

  2. Tam, have you tried buying beer at a chain supermarket lately? Most of em have a prompt built into the register system, that requires a Y/N and in some cases, a scan of the license. The Countermonkeys have no real discretion in the matter.

  3. Clay,

    Original Gangsta. She kicks it old school. She's a veteran. A plank-holder. She's been there since the store was opened way back in June.


    Get offa my cloud, man!

  4. LOL - Nice!

    I got carded once over the summer (yes it is that infrequent anymore) and I almost fell out of my chair. My response was almost the same as yours and the YOUNG waitress re-evaluated my age by the time I got my ID out and didn't want to see it (probably because I was dancing around and carrying on like you did). I still showed it to her since it had been a couple of years since the last time I was carded. It made my day too!

    None of the grocery stores ever card me anymore. :(

    WV: eceddrn (almost a brand name aspirin)

  5. Last time I bought beer the sign at the cash register said "If you look under 35 we ID".

    No one asked for my ID.


  6. Where's Randall when you need him? Probably renting more hermaphroditic porn.

    I grew a full beard at the age of 17, so carding was rarely an issue for me.

  7. Anthony,

    "What kind of beer was it?"

    Oaken Barrel Gnaw Bone Pale Ale.

  8. you've seen my pic right?
    I get carded every time I buy beer.
    My gf drinks, I don't. She doesn't get carded. Totally pisses her off as she's 10 years younger than I.

    I have told her that if she called me gramps in front of another clerk, I'd turn her tuchas purple AND post it to my blog.....

  9. I think I was 42 when I was last carded. I have hopes, but it might not happen again.

  10. I'm younger and grayer, due to the unfortunate inclusion of certain genes. I'm more likely to get offered the senior discount.

  11. I got carded yesterday.

    It felt good.

  12. Tam, Enjoy that high while it lasts and try to store it for later use when they start offering you senior discounts. That happened to me a couple years ago... My wife still hasn't let me live that down and she is a few months older than me.

  13. Old goats like me take too many pills that clash with alcoholic beverages. I'm happy you're not to that stage yet, Tam. Everyone knows me at the pharmacy, however.

  14. I get carded all the time - I think it has something to do with being the same height as a 12 year old.

  15. that the same ritzy (hippie?) fresh market of berkeley fame?

    somebody wanted the security video/audio of that one...

    you might want to request this one can watch it over and over when you're in your forties.


  16. In Tennessee I thought you were supposed to get carded no matter what. I'm sick and tired of them young sum'bitches saying "Oh, that's okay. I don't need to see your I.D." Mutha^%@&^*&@%*&%*@687676763736863863863^@&^@*&^#*&@^#*&@^#*&^@*^@*&^*&@^#*&^@#*&^@#*&^@*#&^*&^@*&^@#*&^@*#^*

  17. Bonus!!! Tonight I've tried my first batch of hard cider. Big time buzz withy only TWO glasses. Yeah!


  18. Oh man now I am thirsty.

    (looks in fridge)


  19. Well, I was carded recently, but it was to qualify for my Senior Discount at the Movie theater - sigh, they get you coming into adulthood and going out - still it is nice for various reasons... the movie was worthy.

  20. "In Tennessee I thought you were supposed to get carded no matter what. "
    Only for beer, and only for off-premises consumption.

    So buy a beer at a bar; no mandatory carding.
    Buy vodka at a package store; no mandatory carding.
    But if you hobble up to the cashier at PigglyWiggly on a walker and need to turn up a hearing aid just to hear the sprout, what he will be saying is "ID, please. Sorry, it's the law."

  21. I have too much grey hair to get carded anymore!!!

    But it confirms that Tam does indeed have teh cuteness!!

  22. enjoy it while it lasts, whippersnapper. I just got the first in what I believe will be a long series of AARP invites. Bah!

  23. I wasn't going to comment because I don't buy alcohol, but I swear to light B&D that the submit word for me this time is:


  24. Tam, you should've seen the teenie cashier's face when I showed her my German ID when I bought beer in Knoxville. "Uh, where's the DOB?"

    Not that I looked like the picture on the ID. That had been taken eight years ago when I still had hair on my head and in my face...

    Next time I'll show them my DL. That'll be fun. ;-)


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