Thursday, September 25, 2008

Seafood Rule Of Thumb:

The farther down the evolutionary chain an oceanic critter is, the better it tastes. (Sometimes expressed as "The more eyes and fewer feet something has...")

This goes a long way towards explaining why scallops, for example, are so delish, since they have, like, a bazillion eyes and one foot.

Last night was Nice Meal Night at Roseholme Cottage. I turned my hand to some sea scallops as big as a baby's fist, bronzed in butter and white wine. RobertaX did her "popcorn asparagus". We tortured the cats by eating shellfish as big as their heads and making "Mmmm-Mm!" noises while watching MythBusters.


  1. Mmmmmm, lobster, the cockroach of the sea...

    Scallops? Asparagus? Butter? That sounds like you make lots of money!

    I question your patriotism!

  2. If you eat salads and oatmeal most of the rest of the week, you can afford to go crazy every now and again. ;)

  3. Would have paid good money to see that taunting of the cats routine.

  4. Had fresh oysters on the bbq last night. Might do it again tonight :)

  5. How the hell do you bbq oysters?

  6. I must be missing that gene. If it has two eyes and fins, I'll eat it. Those sea-bugs and filter feeders just don't seem like food.

    word verification - jafjaz
    "Hey look, my initials!"

  7. Salads and oatmeal the rest of the week? You've graduated from the Ramen noodles of Knoxville.

    That's good. Too much sodium, all carbs, and not filling. But the broth is pretty good for swabbing rifle bores after the use of corrosive, mil-surp ammo.

  8. The farther down the evolutionary chain an oceanic critter is, the better it tastes.

    Sea sponges should be absolutely scrumptious by that standard, then.


  9. Mmmm...jellyfish and sea cucumber are Chinese delicacies.

    Tam, too bad I don't live closer to where you are, because I'd make you the best seafood chowder you'll ever have. And the best part? It's made with bacon in it.

  10. Popcorn Asparagus? I MUST have that recipe.


  11. Squid, cuttlefish, and octopus have two eyes; and they are great when prepared properly. Of course, they don't have feet, just lots of arms...

  12. wait - whut? Scallops have a bazillion eyes? Is this something I should probably not look up?

  13. I'm with anonymous Chris - I want to know more about popcorn asparagus.

    My first instinct was to agree with your inverse-food-chain-tastiness theory. It makes sense, after all, that the food animals would be yummy. But that would put plankton on my menu, and take Ono off. And it is no coincidence that the Hawaiians named their favorite eating fish "Ono," which translates roughly into Haolie as "yummy."

  14. Alath: You start talking about eating "Ono" and mentioning the translation "yummy", whilst "Ono" has triggered in me the automatic word-association "Yoko", leading to very unpleasant mental images...


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