Thursday, September 11, 2008

Stickin' it to The Man!

Roomie apparently had her own Hippie Encounter in the parking lot of the very same grocery store in which the "Nuke Berkeley" incident occurred.

I almost feel guilty riding a bicycle in this neighborhood, as though I were letting down the side or something. People might think I was one of them.

Then I remember that I don't believe in sides, teams, groupthink, or identity politics, and I go pedal my own damn bike if I feel like it.


  1. Two sounds like an infestation. They ought to spray before it takes hold.

  2. Unfortunately Broad Ripple is a hippie nest of long standing.

    Although lately it seems to be populated by a lot of those young black-clad goth-looking wastrels on skateboards.

  3. Broad Ripple has been the "progressive/counter culture" mecca of Indy for as long as I can remember.

  4. call eric cartman; you need to take care of this problem before they start making drum circles. before you know it, you'll be in the middle of full-fledged hippie music fest.

  5. Yeah, I've been ridiculed by a friend that I'm "Green" for making home improvements and buying a more economical car to drive. How do you drive a beetle and hate hippies? Its easy, believe me.

    I've never been one for sides either, but our political system pretty much forces you at some point.

  6. Isn't "counter culture" kind of like mold that you find in a hippie kitchen?

  7. You could simply tell the leftists "da man" done stuck it to you and that's you're homeless. Ask them for a handout.

    That usually gets them scurrying to the other side of the street.

  8. Tam, I actually used to do the Critical Mass thing when I worked in Chicago, and cycled there a ton. I'm all for cycling rights, and fighting to keep the laws as they were for over 100 years, which means that bicycles are equally rightful users of the road, and that the nanny government has no right to ban that long standing right any more than it should ban smoking in the open air. No regulation of transportation. A pretty libertarian, small government, conservative thing it would appear to be.

    But noooooooo. The whole CM life, and urban cycling, is infested with communists. And not using that term as a pejorative; really, communists, people who think Stalin and Lenin had it all together. Before the Iraq War, they were tolerable, and I looked at them as failed Quixotes. They were amusing ragamuffins, sad clowns. After the war's start, their anti-Americanism got the best of me, and I had it with them.

    God, it would be fun to find a cycling advocate group that was not of the left, people who want to cycle down the street chewing a lit cigar, with a steak sandwich in the handlebar basket for later, and sporting an ankle holster. We won't need to cork no intersection; we'd get a wide berth from the surrounding cagers (four wheelers) as it is.

  9. Personally I think the neighborhood could use a nice 1976 Trans Am with a 455 in it... Don't worry about driving it. Just start it after you have your morning tea....

    Should do wonders for your guilt.

  10. Bike it Tam. I was thinking about putting a barrel shroud on my top tube....... Paint the bike black, stick on some Molan Labe stickers and tell 'em to shove it!

  11. Good stuff all around. However, the best hippie encounter in all blogdom can be found [url=]here.[/url]

    There is some salty language.


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