Monday, September 15, 2008

Ungrateful hippies.

San Franciscans... (Franciscites? Franciscistas?) always make such a big fuss about the military doing anything in their city.


  1. San Franciscomites

  2. Yeah, but let a load of bug-eyed monsters land and start eating folks and see who they call first...


    Heh...word verification 'canborq'. No thanks, I prefer the fresh kind.

  3. France-Anne Crisco? I avoid the place, there's nothing up there I want or need to get, or do, if there were a way around it I wouldn't even pass-through.

  4. San Francisco. The city that managed to P.O. Senator Fiendstien by voting to block the USS Iowa from docking there as a protest to the Iraq war. Then denied they did. I would like for them to dock her at Jack London Square in Oakland and point all the 16" guns at SF.

  5. Wait until they get another bad earthquake; they'll probably be whining for the National Guard.

  6. If they got to do that Irishdoh I can guarantee that I know some 16" gunners and firecontrolmen who would come out of retirement for one last fire mission. Rey B FC1 (USN ret)

  7. Hey Anonymous, Can they hit Sacramento from Oakland too? I mean, while your at it...

    Might have to pick a good flood day and sail up the river. A good time on target exercise.

  8. San Franciscum...

  9. So, riddle me this...why didn't they demonstrate the power of that "fully operational Death Star" on San Fran while they had the chance? I mean, come on?!?!?

  10. "Fransicanistas"... or "maggot infested morally bankrupt feebleminded whale turds", whichever you prefer.

  11. Sadly, the big guns will almost certainly never fire again - I've heard that they welded in bars in the breachs. That would mean a complete replacement or perhaps a rebuild of the breach ring. And you don't want to know what it would cost..


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