Friday, September 05, 2008

Your morning LOL...

And the actual text of the link at said: Democrats say McCain too partisan

Right, unlike your guy, Mr. Barack "Hands Across The Aisle" Obama.


  1. The decision and way forward are simple: the GOP has been in power for nearly eight years and have made a mess of things. (The GOP knows this, and that is why for the first time in modern political history, the sitting President and vice-President were not welcome at the GOP convention.) It is time to remove the Republicans and put in the loyal opposition: the Democrats. The last time the Democrats were in power, the economy got stronger. Let's do it again.

  2. Tam, I think you are picking sides, not that I mind, but remember fair and balanced... well, nevermind, pick you side - the American way!

  3. "Fair and Balanced"? This is a blog, not a press agency.

    One of the mottos here is "They report, I deride."

  4. "The decision and way forward are simple: the GOP has been in power for nearly eight years and have made a mess of things."

    Piss on that. The only good part of the Clinton administration was from '95 to '00, when the GOP had Congress and the Dems had the Executive Branch. The Dems have Congress right now so... well, you do the math.

  5. "The last time the Democrats were in power, the economy got stronger"

    The argument of simpletons.

    Correlation and causation are not the same thing, dolt.

    The President doesn't have jack-squat to do with the economy.

    Where do we breed these frickin' idiots?

  6. The only way the Democrats know how to decrease our deficit is to raise YOUR taxes. Under Clinton, I was paying 38% in income tax and then having to pay even more at tax time. The economy got stronger, but the Democrats fucked the American middle class. Fuck them all.

  7. I just read an article titled "Obama says surge more successful than any of us could have hoped." Are you kidding me? This guy says when he got back from Iraq that all his fears were confirmed. He is the most accurate picture of a politician I have ever seen. Say one thing to one crowd, and the exact opposite to the next.

  8. "Say one thing to one crowd, and the exact opposite to the next."

    The quintessential politician.

  9. The democratic party has been the majority since Mid-term 2006 elections, so I don't know about the comment republicans have been in control. They also hold the majority of state governorships. All the democrats that want back the Clinton years...well that was a republican congress. What has the democratic majority of congress done? Pass a farm bill? Rename a couple of schools, buildings? Hmmmmm...what about all the big platform issues Obama is talking about? What have they done?

  10. The funny thing about the comment "The last time the democrats were in power the economy was better". Ahhhhhh....STOP you are SO misinformed...If you are talking about Clinton...IT WAS A GOP Congress...the real decision makers behind the ECONOMY.

    I don't know where you get the "not welcomed" comment either. The President spoke at the convention and Sen. McCain also spoke of him. All the garbage about President Bush...let me ask you. Have we been attacked again since Sept 11? Do you think that is by accident? Before you post...get a clue.

  11. All the garbage about President Bush...let me ask you. Have we been attacked again since Sept 11? Do you think that is by accident? Before you post...get a clue.

    Once again, correlation != causation. This applies to both sides. Thank you for playing.

  12. McCain keeps bringing up his war hero stuff, injured POW. That happened decades ago. How about the POW's that never came home or came back in a pine box? Get off it already! Hearing about this stuff makes me want to puke! How is that going to make you a better president? Are you sure they didn't do something to your brain over there?

  13. Bella again says that MCCain's entitlement and volatile personality will never allow a female VP to have very much to say if he gets elected. Just remember, McCain is like a bad date, what you don't like now, your'e gonna hate later!

  14. WOW. Democrat or Republican how can you possibly make a comment like "Are you sure they didn't do something to your brain over there?" You sound like someone that has obviously NEVER served anything other than yourself, the military truly out of the question for you. Do you even know the years the Vietnam Conflict occurred? Wait...I can hear your keyboard going to wikipedia. Try growing up.

  15. See, the President and Congress both effect the economy, as do all the millions of business owners and clients out there...and that nutty guy who chairs the Federal Reserve Board. Not to mention the banks, traders, and businesses worldwide who influence the exchange rate for the Dollar to other currencies, and who buy stuff from and sell stuff to Americans.

    But if you want to focus blame on a President, consider the possibility of a "Two Year Delay", as seen here.

  16. I wouldn't ever think of Obama as partisan. I am sure he is above being influenced by his mentors with their communist, racists, anti American backgrounds. However, it does make me wonder why out of all the people on the planet he would chose to have his empty little head filled by their thoughts.

  17. Yep, the Dem's idea of abandoning partisan politics is to have all us "non-belivers" "Reeducated"

  18. Face the fact that Mc Cain is just too old and has had too many physical traumas to be operating with a full deck.Just watch him closely as he performs. Has memory loss, tense, forgets and stumbles on words, fidgitty, has to read from notes.We acknowledge the difficulty in store for the next president then want to pick a blemished candidate? NOT I.

  19. In the first five minutes of GWB's video-fed speech, he called the opposition the angry left, defined every wedge issue the GOP has ever used to rally the Christian right, and spread more FUD on the war on terror.

    Obama sought the middle ground...take abortion...THE most polarized topic in modern politics. Maybe we can't agree about the right to life or choice but we can agree on the fact that we need to do something about the number of unwanted pregnancies.

    And his position/record on religion in politics...take out the specific names when dealing in public life and you'll find that all of the major religions have the same basic tenants.

    We've got more in common than different, folks. If you want to call that fact that re-education, so be it because this country is still heading in the wrong direction.

  20. Oh, and die-hards who are saying that Pres. Willie was successful because of a GOP controlled congress...and that Bush failed because the current congress is Dem.

    Who had both sides for the first six years of the Bush presidency? Did the economy tank because of the last 18 months of policies enacted by a Dem controlled congress?

    Which is it guys?

    This year, the flip-floppers are the GOP.

  21. "Obama sought the middle ground"

    I'm calling "Bullshit!"

    Nothing about the man is "middle ground", as far as I'm concerned, but I'm sure you disagree, as your definitions of such are skewed toward your direction. Too bad you can't see the error of your ways.

    I don't like McStain either (closer to hate), and honestly, that whiff of Religion and God, that I'm getting from Palin isn't sitting too well either, though she beats the Hell out of the other stooges who're occupying the stage with her at the moment.

    Again, I'm sure you disagree, and for lack of knowing any better.

  22. "In the first five minutes of GWB's video-fed speech, he called the opposition the angry left..."

    Which they are.

  23. "Oh, and die-hards who are saying that Pres. Willie was successful because of a GOP controlled congress...and that Bush failed because the current congress is Dem.

    Who had both sides for the first six years of the Bush presidency? Did the economy tank because of the last 18 months of policies enacted by a Dem controlled congress?"

    Again, someone is grossly ignorant of economics.

  24. That's laughable. McCain is very known for reaching across the isle. Much to the dismay of people like me, who would prefer McCain only reach across the aisle if he's going to strangle someone.

  25. technology,

    "Obama sought the middle ground,"

    The only way Obama could be defined as moderate on any issue would be if you set Hillary Clinton as the rightmost boundary and Chairman Mao as the left. In that instance, yes, Chairman O is in the middle.

    "Oh, and die-hards who are saying that Pres. Willie was successful because of a GOP controlled congress...and that Bush failed because the current congress is Dem."

    I didn't say that, you lackwit. I said that I don't like it when one party has both the Executive and Legislative and...

    Wait... Why am I arguing with someone who probably believes in Santa Claus?

  26. "Wait... Why am I arguing with someone who probably believes in Santa Claus?"

    Because it's the only outlet you have, short of hunting the moron down and removing his potential DNA-spreading carcass from the shallow end of the gene pool.

    I know the feeling, and it's getting harder every day to fight the temptation.

  27. Tam,

    That's the problem with moonbats. They swarm and nibble and all the waving of arms doesn't make them shoo away. Their idea of a "balanced government" is Dems in control of WH, with 60 seats in the US Senate. Blue Dogs can run the House.

    Yeah. Nobody ever accused moonbats of being intelligent.


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