Tuesday, October 14, 2008

...and now, the news.

This morning's Top Ten stories on CNN.com:

1. Fears of violence as economy tanks
"OMG! We're all gonna die! There's no hope! We need change!"

2. 'Bradley effect' could affect vote
"Don't be a racist. Vote for Obama. You don't want to feel like a racist, do you?"

3. GOP blasts stimulus measures
"Evil Republicans don't want to buy your vote!"

4. Army denies puppy return to U.S.
"Get the Army out of Iraq. With its puppies. Evil GOP!"

5. Polar bear slips into zoo moat
"Happy fluff."

6. Palin aides warned, report says
"Evil GOP!"

7. Leader breaks podium, gets laughs
"Silly foreigners."

8. McCain speaks out about Lewis
"Evil GOP!"

9. Mob mansion may hold more secrets
"Happy fluff."

10. Deadly wildfires rage across L.A.
"zomg we're all gonna die!"

*Sigh* Sometimes you wonder why you bother getting out of bed and re-entering a world full of idiots that are, for the most part, illegal to shoot.


  1. Bumper sticker spotted on a pickup truck in very rural upstate NY: "WHY DO THEY CALL IT TOURIST SEASON IF YOU CAN'T SHOOT THEM?"

  2. I don't understand...the country is in a perilous position right now, and you REALLY want to see someone with Palin's tremendous grasp of the written and spoken word anywhere near decisions that could cost lives?
    Sorry that all the scandals of the morning revolve around her and the self-righteous whining of McCain.
    As Walter Cronkite used to say "and that's the way it is."

  3. Actually, anyone particularly feeling the "racist" bite can assuage themselves by voting for the Green candidate this year who is not only black, but female to boot.

    And ok, she's a bit of a fruitcake, but geez, look at everyone else in the race. :D

  4. Anonymouse,

    "I don't understand...the country is in a perilous position right now, and you REALLY want to see someone with Palin's tremendous grasp of the written and spoken word"

    Wow. Physician, heal thyself...

  5. "'Bradley effect' could affect vote"

    So, if I'm white and don't vote for Sen. Obama, I'm a racist.

    If I were black and didn't vote for Sen. McCain, would that make me racist too?

    Oh, er...yeah...nevermind.

  6. Tam, "*Sigh* Sometimes you wonder why you bother getting out of bed and re-entering a world full of idiots that are, for the most part, illegal to shoot. "

    I hope the rest of the day gets better. BTW, did someone help the polar bear out of the moat?

  7. People say Black people are voting for Obama just because he is Black. If somewhere between George and George there had been an African-American president, we Black folks might not care all that much if a Black person wins this year. Why this is so difficult to understand, I don't know. You have had over 40 chances to have your man in office. Give some other race a crack at this thing called the Presidency. It is only fair. For that matter after Obama's terms, give an Hispanic American, Asian American, etc., a chance to know what it feels like to be a real part of this country. That is what Michelle Obama was talking about. This country doesn't belong to only you. It belongs to all of us. McCain speaks of having scars of war. We African-Americans have the scars of slavery to prove we deserve to have a Black president!

  8. I normally see CNN as a even handed news organization. With that said, ACORN is a huge story in multiple states, and I see nothing on any of CNN's main pages regarding this. It would definitely be considered a top ten story for most voters.

  9. Anoymouse 10:50,

    Sorry, but I judge people not by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character. Some guy said that once...

  10. "Give some other race a crack at this thing called the Presidency. It is only fair."

    President of the United States != lunchroom monitor. Electing somebody President because it's "his (race's) turn" is not a good idea.

    I would like nothing better than to have a black candidate for President I could vote for. Barak Obama is not that candidate. (Who would be? Oh, Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Colin Powell, Robert Woodson, Don Lewis... hell, I would vote for Bill Cosby rather than John McCain! Or any of a dozen or so friends and acquaintances, none of whom are national figures but all of whom have more integrity and smarts than any of the current Presidential candidates.)

    "We African-Americans have the scars of slavery..."

    The last American slave, Charlie Smith, died in 1979. And in my mind saying someone should get special treatment because his ancestor was a slave is no different than saying he should get special treatment because his ancestor was Duke of something, i.e., it's bogus.

  11. Dang, even here.

    I just got the "you're a racist if you don't vote for my guy" chain mail from my family to, and you know what? I am SICK to the high heavens of it.

    I'll vote for Condi in a heartbeat. Oh.. wait. No. She must not be a real black person. Freaking OREO. I bet she's like Gov Palin to - not even a real woman.

    You want racism, there you go, right there. Drag a few more people down into the mud because they don't toe the DNC line. Tell some more kids they're "acting white" if they actually try to succeed in school or business or the sciences. Keep telling people they can't succeed because of their color or their family.

    THAT is racism.

    If that ain't you - God bless you. If it is - cowboy up and come on inside. Most everyone these days really don't give a good guldurn what your skin color is. Promise.

    No it's not a hundred percent, but not everyone even agrees we walked on the moon. We all get crap from each other. Some people are screwy, welcome to earth.

    And you - Boomers. One of the few unreservedly GOOD things you managed to do was raise a generation that's for the most part colorblind. Your economics have been bleeding us dry for forty years, your drug culture a nightmare, you gutted our military and spit on our brothers, and the free love thing brought us disease and irresponsibility on a whole new scale. But on race? You were great. A superb accomplishment, and a hard fought one. Well done.

    So - way to flush the best thing you ever did down the toilet by turning what used to be a heinous charge into a freaking joke. For an election.

    Seriously, well played.
    I hope it's worth it to you.

    This has been a test of the Jennys-actually-teed-off broadcast system. If Jenny had actually been teed off, it would have sounded like....

  12. Dr. Edward Charlesworth, a clinical psychologist in Houston, Texas, said the current crisis is breeding a sense of chronic anxiety among people who feel helpless and panic-stricken, as well as angry that their government has let them down.

    "They feel like in this great society that we live in we should have more protection for the individuals rather than just the corporation," he said.

    If you want to know in a nutshell why people are voting for The Annointed One and democrats (spit) generally, here it is: our country is so great that we shouldn't EVER have anything bad happen to us.

    I make no pretensions about being some rugged hero from Ayn Rand who owes nothing to anybody and always has everything under control, but the idea that the gubmint is always supposed to make my life free from pain and woe is just... ludicrous. Last time I checked, the only person who was supposed to be responsible for me was... me. We all need a helping hand now and again, but nobody OWES it to us.



    (1) http://www.cnn.com/2008/US/10/13/economy.violence.ap/index.html?iref=mpstoryview

  13. absolutely- email me your new number?

  14. "Sometimes you wonder why you bother getting out of bed and re-entering a world full of idiots that are, for the most part, illegal to shoot."

    See, that right there is what we have to change in our countries! Make shooting idiots legal! That right there would solve about 90% of the worlds problems in one go...

  15. Make shooting idiots legal??!? What are you trying to do, eliminate my remaining life expectancy??!?

  16. To the poster above that seems to think that a person should be elected POTUS just because it is their race's turn:

    An associate pastor at my church is black, and said that he was glad that a black person was in position to be elected POTUS, but that person turned out to be a marxist! He and his family definitely do not support "The Anointed One".

    There are a number of black politicians that I could enthusiastically support for POTUS--Alan Keyes, Herman Cain, Michael Steele, J.C. Watts to name a few. Vernon Robinson once he gets more seasoning. I wish we could find a mind like Thomas Sowell--Mr Sowell is probably the finest economics mind in the US today, but age works against him.

    It isn't race that keeps Black or Hispanic people out of the White House, it is the radical leftist politics that are endorsed by the corrupt news media. The media ignores or vilifies Black and Hispanic politicians that have integrity and adhere to conservative principles.

  17. At least there's good news for the world arms trade.



  18. And the hell of it is, CNN still has more news-credibility to me than Fox. I love Fox for their attempts to portray both sides of an issue. I really do think that they try to be fair and balanced, and they are just about the only network that does try.

    But, Jesus wept, their business and financial reporting is awful and I get really tired of the constant celebutard stories.

  19. Yesterday morning the CBS bunch revealed Marcia Brady was a coke head and slept with her brother, Greg. She's wrote a tell-all. She must need the money to pay for therapy.

    She hasn't figured that Obama will take some of her newfound wealth and "spread it around."

  20. "Yesterday morning the CBS bunch revealed Marcia Brady was a coke head and slept with her brother, Greg."

    Yeah, but we knew that a long time ago. I got an even creepier vibe from THE PARTRIDGE FAMILY. These days, Rueben would be on somebody's sex offender registry and Danny would be wetting the bed, setting fires, and torturing small animals.

    And Jenny; bravisima!


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