Friday, October 17, 2008

Dinner tonight...

...was at a restaurant with honest-to-Wotan bears. Animatronic bears (observe about ~35-40 seconds into this video). This led to pondering between my dinner companion and I, both veterans of intarw3bz gun boards, as to what would be the best gun for killer space robot bears, which are obviously more dangerous than zombie bears or ninja bears, if not quite in the same class as zombie ninja bears.

Also, there were dead critter heads all over the walls, and the Stevens Crackshots and 11mm pinfire revolver in the showcase by the gift shop were for sale. Tell me that doesn't just knock Cracker Barrel into a cocked hat in the dining experience department.

Try the elk medallions in horseradish sauce for an appetizer. They are teh awesome.

BONUS! Guess whose autographed pic was on the wall:


  1. I'll take "Motor City Madmen" for $100, Alex.

  2. Looks like Cabelas with a bar and a MUCH better diningroom. You are truly blessed. Feel my envy.

  3. Could that possibly be "The Nuge"?

  4. I was expecting Chuck E. Cheese, when you said "anamatronic" ...


  5. For Killer space robot bears I'd go with a BAR Safari in .338 wim mag converted to full auto. If only there were a good semi auto 460 Weatherby or a lighter frame 50 BMG.


  6. I love the food there. Too bad they are on the wrong side of town.


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