Friday, October 17, 2008

Free Legal Advice:

It can make your claim of justifiable homicide in self-defense look a little sketchy if you then decapitate your attacker and wander the aisles of the local Wally World holding his severed noggin.

Although, you know, if anyone's looking for a last-minute Halloween costume, all you'd need would be a sari, a cleaver, and a would-be rapist.


  1. ...police officer Ram Bharose.

    If NBC decides to start filming Law 'n Order: Calcutta, I think they've got their lead detective name right there.

  2. ""In a bid to save her dignity she beheaded him with a sickle."

    Not enough of that happens.

    I'll bet there aren't any replacement stalkers lining up.

  3. She was just looking for a spike to put it on as a warning.

  4. This Indian woman is my hero of the day. And bobg has it right - not enough heads on pikes, I say.

  5. Bravo!

    Mark Twain said something about Western culture originated in India. Another cultural moment we need to adopt...

    Word verification: szvvy. The sound a sickle makes as it slices through...nevermind...

  6. That's just the traditional way of dispensing immediate justice. In our old mission house there were some old books from the British period with some grainy old photos of 1880's era local fellows who had done the same thing - and brought the head into the local British Magistrate to prove their point. I was sad to learn even when I was Nine that they got into trouble for that.

  7. The article I read stated that she would be charged with "culpable homicide." Here's hoping that she can get the charge reduced to littering.

  8. If India has liberals, she's toast.


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