Thursday, October 02, 2008

I never thought I'd say this...

...but Nancy Pelosi is making me miss Tip O'Neill.

If you're going to be my ideological bĂȘte noire, at least be good at it, okay? The more I watch you, Nancy, the more you get to be about as scary as Shirley MacLaine. What is this? Some kind of Gilligan's Island commie takeover? It's hard for me to work up a good mad-on against someone I kinda feel sorry for.


  1. Why feel sorry for her? She's wealthy (Explain to me how the dumbest senators seem to get rich?) , seems happy with her job and she's ruining our lives, a salami slice at a time.

    That she looks like a cross between a deer that's just noticed a semi-trailer truck bearing down on her and the Crypt-keeper , and says things usually associated with people who are wards of the state shouldn't inspire pity.

  2. Tip was a good 'ol boy. I would have downed some single malt with him after hours. Honorable enemies and all that. (That's how Reagan saw him, anyway.)

    Pelosi is just a shrill bitch with a little temporary power.

  3. Keep in mind that Speaker of the House is but two heartbeats away from the Oval Office - next in line after the Vice President, if needed.

    That has to make President Bush sleep well at night. It doesn't quiet my nightmares, though.

  4. she reminds me more of Mrs. Howell...if we're gonna play Gilligan's Island here...sheesh!...she was the "old dingbat, remember?

  5. There are those people for whom the old quote is apropos: "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a note saying that I approved."


  6. "...Nancy Pelosi is making me miss Tip O'Neill."

    Sweet Jesus. That's getting pretty rotten.


  7. We have a catbird seat watching the end of the Republic. Who would have thought that these characters would be the ones to put down the Constitution and rule of law for Obama and an open purse for their friends?
    I'm sure the Plains Indians felt the same way. The idiots just keep coming and coming, until finally it's over.

  8. I agree with robert. The country is doomed; it's just a question of how long before it finally collapses.

    As for SanFran Nan... She's an object of ridicule to people who don't agree with her politics. To those who do, she's a shrewd, tough, visionary leader. But DO NOT feel sorry for her. She's a powerful zealot, and that's damned dangerous for the country.

  9. I feel sorry for her too. Every time she opens her mouth she sticks a dick in it right on national TV.



  10. I just pray to God that Sarahcuda doesn't do the same thing during the debate tonight. We'll never hear the end of it from the bliss ninnies if she does.


  11. I so hope that Cindy Sheehan defeats her in the election. I know it's impossible, but remember, that is San Fran Sicko, and people there just aren't right. So what's impossible in the real world can happen there.

    Talk about a comeuppance for the people the Dems had forsaken after the 2006 election that brought them into power.


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