Thursday, October 02, 2008

If he's a "Gun Nut", I'm a health-food junkie.

Petzal seems skeptical that the Barry O. campaign is trying to stifle the NRA.

Bitter is surprised. Given Petzal's track record, I'm surprised Bitter is surprised.


  1. David Petzal. Hmm, wasn't he the one who compared us to mental patients when we got pissed at one of his fellow writers for demonizing guns said writer didn't like? I am sensing a pattern here.

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  3. Petzel is a FUDD, pure and simple. That in itself is not unusual, as there are plenty like him who completely trust Obama. But the thing about Petzel is he has a loud voice, courtesy of Field and Stream.

    He needs to be Zumbo'd. At least Zumbo came around. I doubt Petzel would.

    I also wonder if Petzel supports the AHSA?

  4. avenger...if you had bothered to read some of his previous posts, you'd notice that he's been hammering Obama and Biden on their antigun stances for a while now. While he may not be 100% perfect, he is not the enemy, as some of you have seem to come to believe.

  5. While he may not be 100% perfect, he is not the enemy, as some of you have seem to come to believe.

    Define "enemy," please.
    Could someone who is nominally associated with you who continually hinders and hampers you fit into that?
    If, for instance, you were to play some pickup basketball, and one of your players continually turned the ball over, missed shots, missed passes, passed to the other team often, does that mean he's on the other team? Of course not. But does that mean he's someone you want on your team?

    My beef with Petzal (and thanks for the Tamalanche!) is that he's still denying that he said what he said. And then that it was used as assistance to get the "A"WB passed.
    That's just not honest.
    Even if he's nominally "on my side", I've just got an issue with dishonest people, even if they're "agreeing" with me. I find it's a character defect that will come back later.

    Look at his description of Zumbo's "apology" versus Zumbo's actual words. Remember, this is a professional journalist. He writes for a living. He observes, and then describes what he saw for us.
    Do you think you can trust his judgement having seen what he read of that "apology", and what he reported?

    I'm hesitant to trust anything he reports. I'm glad to hear he is going after Obama and Biden. It makes sense. He probably saw that the (Biden-authored "A"WB was the tip of the iceberg and changed his mind.
    Had he honestly apologized for his mistake(s) and told us how and why he changed his mind I could see my way to trusting him. It happens. We change our minds. New information.
    I couldn't stand Glocks.
    Then I shot one, and it wasn't that bad.
    Then I bought (and carried) one.
    Then I found I shot a Browning Hi-Power a *lot* better.

    Was I wrong at any point? I wouldn't say so. I'd say I changed my mind as newer information presented itself. But I haven't ever denied being critical of the Glock trigger, or of carrying one...

  6. I remember Petzal covering for Zumbo - now he's just covering.
    I'm glad I don't get exposed to the counterknowlege that the MSG Outdoorsey rags put forth.
    From his completely obsessive, oblivious, and "writerly" self-affectionate statements I am reminded of reading a glossy magazine with shiny happy people smiling on the cover, talking about the need for World Peace on the inside pages. It was called "Soviet Life" and sure you can go on a Siberian Bear Hunt - if you're high-up enough in the Apparat.
    I never heard of Petzal until two years ago and I don't care if I ever hear of him again.


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