Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Isn't it supposed to be ironic...

...don't you think? A little bit ironic? Yeah, I really do think.

And yet I find Weird Al's "Trigger Happy" to be just a fun, toe-tapping ditty.

You'd better watch out, punk!


  1. Well you can't take my guns away, I got a constitutional right!

    Yeah, I gotta be ready if the Commies attack us tonight!

    I'll blow their brains out with my Smith & Wesson...

    That oughtta teach 'em all a darn good lesson!

    Now I'm trigger happy, trigger happy every day...

    (I love that song.)

  2. I'm with you. I've been laughing at that for over 16 years now (hard to believe the song is that old, but it is).

    Speaking of funny things involving guns, did anybody else catch Monday's Boston Legal? Hilarious!

  3. Sorry, but Skeet Surfing was always my favorite catchy gun tune.

    "I wish they all could be double-barrel girls"

  4. #1 with a...


    But I never heard "Elmo's got a gun"! WooT!

  5. oops, forgot the link:

  6. He did the Beach Boys better than the Beach Boys did.

  7. "He did the Beach Boys better than the Beach Boys did."

    I always admired Weird Al, first because he's talented enough to do just about anything musically and do it with excellence. Second, because he took that raw talent, pointed it squarely at a niche market, and made himself rich. God bless America.

  8. That was GREAT! Thanks, Tam! How did I miss that one?


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