Sunday, October 05, 2008

Nuke-yoo-lar frisson.

LabRat tees off on the folks who can't stand it when someone pronounces it "nuke-yoo-lar", unless that someone is a Democrat.


  1. I've been mightily irritated, too, that a guy with a degree in nuclear physics and worked as a reacter technician in the Navy gets a pass, when an MBA who did oilfields and baseball teams doesn't.

    Frankly, they both piss me off a bit when they say it. But sauce for the goose...

  2. Ooh! look at the comedy piece I found! Okay he's not kidding but it is really so hackneyed I had to laugh.

  3. No matter the struggle, no matter the vicious attempts to wrangle my mouth into the right positions...

    ... I still say "liberry".

    God forbid you ask me to say "rural".

  4. dr. strangegun--

    Do you refer to the noisy white truck full of EMTs as Am-BLANTS or Amm-bu-luntz??

  5. The latter.

    I am very strange to listen to. I can drift into any one of four modes, corresponding to my parents and grandparents who all took a big chunk of raising me. Those four? Totally accentless, structured "proper" English; clipped "german" Indiana, lowland East Tennessee, or kentuckian hill.

  6. Always picking on our Southern accents, but, speaking of Ivy League, that darling of the Dems,
    John Fitzgerald Kennedy, always called that island 90 miles from Key West, "Kueber".

    BTW, we Southerners do not have accents, everyone else does.

  7. Maybe I've just watched too much "South Park," but I constantly imagine Jimmy Carter as Timmy -- brain damage and all.


  8. Some of my idiot classmates from high school were making fun of Palin for saying "Nucular," so I responded with, "I'd rather she say it wrong and be open and honest with the people, than Obama, with his proper English from the teleprompter and lie to us." (or something to that effect. I've got a buzz on, so my fingers are talking faster than my brain.


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