Friday, October 03, 2008

Oh, hooray!!!

It's the most awesomest thing on teh intarw3bz ever!


  1. Put those kids in red neckerchiefs and stylin' Che Guevara berets. Then Obama can change the world using the same community-activism model that worked in Sweet Home Chicago.

  2. Having been offered "Soviet Life" to read as a kid, by my parents, this whole thing just churns my stomach.

  3. You might also like this weird commercial I posted some months ago...

  4. Never saw the original(just say no to TV)but that's pretty fuckin' creepy.

  5. Does anyone else find using children, who have no friggin idea what they're talking about, in political, or any, advertisements absolutely disgusting?

    What ever happened to standards of decency? Now it's scorched earth.

    As for the Che berets and neckerchefs... Take a look at this

  6. Thanks for the link, it was the best scariest laugh I got all day.

  7. I'm a generation older than most of you: Reminded me of 1930s Berlin.

    Funny-odd about Aaron's link: The ideas espoused about personal responsibility were said long ago by folks like Martin Luther King and Bill Cosby. Shame they didn't get the attention they deserved, back when. Shame that it takes some sort of Messianic zeal to engender normal, rational adult concept--with credit given only to the Messiah, as though it all were new.


  8. you'd expect innocent young'uns to sing and recite by rote whatever they're told by those they much scarier it is to know that their parents are just as captive to the mind-control mantras of the omessiah as their defenseless children are to them.

    tam, i know you're still suffering from the loss of your kitty and i don't want to add to that, but i wanted you to know that our old babykitty joined yours in kitty heaven today, a lot sooner than we hoped or expected...

    i don't recall this degree of painful loss over an animal since i was a kid...i guess when you get old and soft it's a little like being young and innocent again.
    there's a few pics of babykitty and some insufficient words here...


  9. Little Red Cook Book!
    Little Red Cook Book!

  10. That was absolutely the most disturbing thing I think I've ever seen. I am not joking.

    I feel like a little part of me just died.


    Who comes up with this crap (he asks, just now realizing that the linked video wasn't the original, but the original is, well, worse)?


  11. What's everybody getting so excited about with the video? No big deal. It's merely a look ahead at the fantastic new organization Barack Obama plans to unveil to replace the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts early in his second year as President of the United States. Rumor has it that it's to be called The Obama Youth for Change, or simply The Obama Youth for short.

    Their more conservative parents will be part of another new program where they will be sent to special camps to help them avoid mental distractions called Concentrating Camps.


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