Thursday, October 23, 2008

Police gear up for rioting...

...although who they expect to riot is uncertain.

Like I said elsewhere: "I’m sorry, I couldn’t hear you. I was clinging to my gun and it went off…"


  1. Hmmm....guess it's time to buy some more 9mm and 00 buck.

    Seriously, I kind of expect some areas to have unrest whether or not Obama wins. Luckily, I don't live in any of those areas.

  2. What's the difference between a riot and a celebration? I can't tell anymore. Figure that Berkeley and Oakland will have a splash that night.

  3. weer'd,

    You could always head 20 minutes north and hunker down in an armory...


    (The G30 will be ready, as will the M1 carbine and the 1300...)

  4. Hmmm...

    The Tigers won the World Series, and people rioted in Detroit.

    The Raiders lost the Super Bowl, and people rioted in Oakland.

    Y'all go ahead and buy ammo if you want, but then it's never good to be short of that in the first place.

    What I'm buying for election night is Popcorn.

  5. I'm betting on riots that night no matter who wins, and it'll be the same people rioting either way.


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