Friday, October 31, 2008

Yes, but...

"A vote for McCain is a vote for the status quo!"

Uh, yeah. Exactly. And it should tell you something that I'd even prefer another Patriot Act, another foreign war of questionable necessity, and another stock market crash to the big bolus of HopeyChangey I'm being threatened with by the other side. I mean, worst case scenario, we wiretap some more hippies, bomb some more foreigners, and some more stockbrokers jump out of windows. Really, how does this hurt me?

The other side wants to do things like sell me bad health insurance at gunpoint. Yeah, 'cause you guys have done such a splendid job with my retirement funds, now I want to let you run my doctor's office, too. If your health care plan is so great, how come I'm no doubt going to be thrown in jail if I don't opt in?

One side is offering me politicians acting like politicians, which is to say power-hungry, callous, and scheming; the other side is trying to offer me politicians acting like missionaries, and that scares the crap out of me. Given a choice between the devil I know and the devil I don't, I'm going to stick with the one I know. Especially if the one I don't is offering me milk and cookies.


  1. Seeing as how "The One" has spent at least 4 times the amount as Mac and he's at best got a 3pt lead, that speaks volumes to me. Perhaps there aren't as many stupid people as I thought there were?

  2. I gotta hand it to the Dems. This is the first time in years that they've managed to make me want to vote GOP.

    After decades of trying, they have managed to actually come up with the Wrong Lizard.

  3. The only way the Dems. could have made McCain look more attractive would have been for them to have fielded Ralph Nader.

  4. The other side wants to do things like sell me bad health insurance at gunpoint. Yeah, 'cause you guys have done such a splendid job with my retirement funds, now I want to let you run my doctor's office, too. If your health care plan is so great, how come I'm no doubt going to be thrown in jail if I don't opt in?

    Well put, that.

  5. If my vote for McCain brings me 4 more years of no 9/11 magnitude terrorist attacks, and no new anti-gun laws (and even the fall of one big one!) then I will call that a win.

  6. Honestly, I'm pretty resigned at this point.

    Either he loses and after a few riots we get more of the same.

    Or he wins, gets most of the worst of it stopped in Congress and we get more of the same.

    Or he wins, gets a sympathetic Congress, and the fromagerie is left standing empty a mite sooner than we thought.

    Just seems like a crunch is coming. There won't be cash to mail the checks much longer. It's just a question of whether that happens in twelve years or two.

    And actually, after all the finger-pointing it might turn out that getting it over with quickly will turn out to have been the better way. Guess we'll see.

    But yeah, still voting for Sarah and whats-his-name. He might not slow down that car hurtling towards the cliff, but at least he won't set the upholstery on fire.

  7. i agree with everything you said here, tam, but also with this:

    "I fear the fix is in on this one.:("

    at this point it might even be better for the "o" to fall into the ring of fire for four years to painfully prove the point...except i fear that the dipshits who run the rnc would marginalize sarah and get it wrong again in '12.


  8. Nothing wrong with the status-quo as long as nothing stupid happens and nobody makes any fast moves - we have to keep the guns on 'em. Gubbmint should do less and BE less.
    We need a Preparation-H Party to shrink the malign growth.
    Beware, be very aware and scared, of Political Missionaries - I was born among them and they are not a pretty tribe, and their passions are not of this world. Political Cannibals and Headshrinkers are more direct and sincere.

  9. Given the choice, I'll buy my own milk and cookies, thanks...

    Mmmm. Cookies.</homer>

  10. Jenny,

    Big +1 on your comments.

    I don't want the milk and cookies and I don't need someone to take me to the doctor and I don't want the rose-colored glasses crowd in charge...

    Joe R.

  11. Fantastic post. Wholeheartedly agree. Glad to find some people with some sense out there in this Obamosphere.

  12. One side is offering me politicians acting like politicians, which is to say power-hungry, callous, and scheming; the other side is trying to offer me politicians acting like missionaries, and that scares the crap out of me. Given a choice between the devil I know and the devil I don't, I'm going to stick with the one I know. Especially if the one I don't is offering me milk and cookies.

    Absolute poetry. Damned-scary poetry (downright Poe-ish), but poetry just the same.


  13. I'm hearing this from more and more people who are inclined to vote Libertarian. They have finally realized that a vote for McCain is the only chance they have to stem the tide of big government.

  14. ...offering me milk and cookies

    From here it looks more like grape flavored Flavor Aid.

  15. Jenny,
    Carville and someone whose name escapes me said in print that there would be civil disturbances(I'm paraphrasing) if The Sun King doesn't win. I expect that is true, but I also expect some kind of show if he does win, a la victory celebrations for local sports teams.
    We should be ready in either case.
    Stay safe.


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