Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Attack of the illiterati...

Yet another Googler arrived at my doorstep via the search item "music hath charms to soothe the savage beast".

If sir will step around to the tradesman's entrance, we will get sir a clip-on tie and a polyester suit coat so that sir conforms to the dress code of the establishment.


  1. In the defense of said googler, I've always heard the saying as "sooth the savage beast" or "sooth the savage soul." Of course, growing up in a Puritan society that sees the word breast up there with cnt, I'm not surprised to have been hearing it wrong all these years.

  2. Maybe your visitor was thinking of Leela.

  3. We'll get him some rubber Spock ears to go with the clip-on. ;)

  4. What happens if it's a girl?

    Does she get the works too?

  5. She gets a clip-on tie, too. She deserves no better. ;)

  6. They may have learned the Bowdlerized version at the same Lutheran Parochial School I went to. We couldn't even have a Boy Scout troop until the congregation decided to switch from the Wisconsin Synod to the more liberal Missouri Synod. The Scout Oath was considered to be taking the lords name in vain, or something.

  7. I seem to be always a day behind. Anyway, the radio station I used to work for used the savage beast routine for station promotion. I have posted a picture of an old sweatshirt on my site.


  8. I'm sure you have a very savage breast. Can I send you a Coldplay for that.

    the shot about the Spock ears though were uncalled for...(Making a familiar Jewish Benediction gesture!)

    PW=togic Close but no cigar and cognac


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