Friday, November 21, 2008


It was a balmy 18 degrees out when I stepped out to get the paper, and it may get up to a sweltering 33 today.

The sun is out, but I'm not sure what good it's doing. I think I'll go emit some CO2; or maybe run the car for a bit to contribute to the "urban heat island".

Unless it snows, of course. I'm totally cool with arctic weather as long as I get some snow for the payoff. Cold without the white stuff is pointless.


  1. "Pointless", eh? Yeah. And a broken leg is "pointless" without a chest wound.

    How's the Z3 in the snow by the way? Is it RWD? My Miata handles snow with the grace and precision of a cat in a shower.

  2. I have become a big believer in the benefits of traction control, and of just staying home and drinking rather than driving anyplace when there's snow on the ground.

  3. "and of just staying home and drinking rather than driving anyplace when there's snow on the ground."

    Come awnnn SNOW!

    WV: comia--passing out from laughing too much.

  4. We're having another cold front come through here in South Florida (high today will only reach 74). ;)

  5. Cold doesn't need to be shoveled or cause loss of traction. Snow can wait.

  6. Algore's glow-ball worming is so bad, Britain got hit with a blizzard today.

  7. You're in Indy now, so this is normal. Our winter colors are gray and brown. Try to enjoy some traditional midwest winter activities. We have a lot of bowling and billiards. Roller derby is enjoying a resurgence, if you are so inclined.


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