Wednesday, November 05, 2008

It's not the end of the world, and you can't even see it from here.

More moderate predictions:

Steven Den Beste on the election and the next four years.

Tgirsch offers a view from the other side of the fence.


  1. I dunno. Prediction number 4 is enough to make me wake in the dead of day (I work nights) screaming.

  2. Over at Dizzying Intellect, Tanya mourns the death of Michael Crichton...

  3. Well maybe that is why our side lost. People really don't think the One is that bad.

    We are still digging out from Clinton and Carter still has some judges in the courts (I think).

    It is that bad and until we begin to see it we will be behind the curve to ever hope of fixing it.

    Why yes I am a pessimist.

  4. I'm with Dad...but we're insulated from reality here in CA.

  5. I haven't turned on the TV. Waiting for the Obamagasm to be over.

    Then I'll get the bad news.

  6. That was rather delicious. Thanks for the snack!

    You know, I feel that based on the economic challenges of the moment, whoever was elected was doomed (blessed?) to a one-term presidency.

    Such full-scale implosion as the Obama mystique is ripe for will be terrible and majestic to witness. I'll cook a brisket if you'll bring the beer.

  7. Tam, you are a treat. Thanks!
    Brigid said I should read your link, and she was right.

  8. Beste makes some bold statements, but this piece of advice rings home best:

    "And now we need to show the lefties how to lose. Our mission for the next four years is to be in opposition without becoming deranged."

  9. I think DeBeste misses an important point. Obama is the kind of guy that once you vote him in, and he can institutionalize corruption for campaign finance fraud, vote fraud and gain the bully pulpit, he will stay as long as he chooses. Like the communists, vote these folks in and they never get out.
    You don't think Obama is going to use the power and prestige of the presidency and the cover of the media? He isn't a fool like Bush, you know.

  10. The presidence won't have any prestige when he's done, and as for power, Congress will end up beating him like a rented donkey.

    He'll be so happy to go in four years that he'll probably kick up his heels as he departs the White House.

  11. "I've lived long enough to absorb this basic truth: the US is too large and too strong to destroy in just 4 years."

    I have a great deal of respect for Den Beste, and I tend to think he's right...

    ...but I'd also bet that Vienna was chock-a-block with people saying the exact same thing between mouthfuls of linzertorte in 1913.


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