Sunday, November 09, 2008

Sign of the times...

One local Ford dealership is advertising a "Buy a 2008 F-250 Super Duty, get a new F-150 free!" sale.

I'm thinking that if I ever wanted to experience the joys of owning a full-size pickup or SUV, now's the time to tool used car lots dangling the Bimmer as trade bait...


  1. Don't do it! It'd peeve off the Democrats!

  2. The time is coming sooner than we think when Ford, GM, and Chrysler will be one car company partially owned by our government. These companies can't continue to bleed money without something happening to patch the hole.
    If things don't get better for them, you'll be able to buy F150's at 10 cents on the dollar because Ford is no longer in business.

  3. Economic stimulus plan- free cars for everybody!

    I figure it's coming, since I just bought one for cash.

    Submit word, domfhork

  4. Wow. That'd be a pretty good deal if they were Dodges. ;)

    Verify: "lamen" Like ramen, but even suckier.

  5. When Ford, GM, and Chrysler become one car company owned by "our" Government, the vehicle they produce will be the envy of Trabants everywhere...
    And if they sieze your 401(k) in order to "just rearranging the tax breaks that are available now for 401(k)s and spreading — spreading the wealth," as Teresa Ghilarducci, professor of economic policy analysis at the "New School for Social Research" has studied - then it will also be all you can afford.

  6. Cow-orker is wondering where he might get in on this deal...

    - ZerCool (OpenID seems to be borked tonight)

  7. not as good as it sounds: an f250 super duty is a 3/4 ton diesel that stickers from 30k-50k depending on options, and a base f150 can be had for about 12k after rebates and discounts, so in essence it's a 12 thou discount on the diesel; not bad, but...

    contrarian that i am, when gas hit four bucks i went shopping for a gas hog, ending up with a dodge ram quad cab with hemi and 4x4; factory sticker (ignore dealer fake stickers) was dead on 40k.
    the dealer ran a promo for 40% off any ram 150 and didn't even try any scams or dealer fee add-ons, they really need to sell some iron!

    so we agreed on 24k plus ttt. then i told him i needed 10 for my '05 sport trac that i paid 16 for 3 1/2 years ago and they took the diff of 14 plus ttt, out the door for and details here, plus some 'rithmetic re false savings on gas sippers:

    could i have gotten another new truck in lieu of a discount? sure, they'd have loved to move 2 units instead of one. but if i paid the 40 sticker for the first truck and they "gave" me the second which could be bought for a discounted 12, or i got a 16k discount on one truck...which is the better deal?

    the old saying in the car biz (and it applies to most else) is: it ain't the price and it ain't the discount and it ain't the trade...all that matters is the bottom line.



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