Friday, November 07, 2008

Today In History: Red October.

Which, due to the confusion of using old-fashioned calendars actually happened in November.
November is the traditional month for Commies to take over...


  1. You are really dangerous with facts about History, so cool.

  2. I love it that their "October Revolution" happened in November. Typical.

  3. Day late and a Dollar short. Aren't they always? Now we've had our own. It's time to work to reverse that in the mid-term elections.

  4. They really do lie about everything and twist history to their own fantasy "narrative."

  5. Guess when October Fest is?

  6. Guess when October Fest is?

    I blame Global Warming.

    TW: "resbr"
    Rebar for the rest of us.

  7. They have planned their playbook already with mutiple reaction scenarios and are in scrimmage formation - what's our plan?
    I don't have one that includes me getting killed.

  8. Look on the bright side, Tam; your pugsley stories will soon be much closer to home.

  9. OK, come on, guys, let's play fair, if not nice. To the extent that the post is about the "October Revolution" the fact that it took place in what we call November has nothing to do with the commies. (The killing and all that? That WAS them.)

    It all goes back to the split between Rome, Byzantium and Moscow, and the time lag that developed between the Gregorian and Julian calendars.

    To the extent its about a recent election, I just fall down and giggle, and cry, all at the same time.

  10. In California we don't cry anymore, or giggle much - zero comments.
    "nonerti" verification sounds appropriate.

  11. Crucis is right. We need to focus on the Midterms in 2010, and keep up the pressure on the Blue Dog Democrats until then. They've disappointed so far, because they want to have choice committee assignments down the road. They need to be reminded that they get no committee assignments, choice or otherwise, if they're out of office.

  12. Nothing further to add, except that my new verification word is "preban". That thing is getting scary!

  13. No wonder they overthrew the government. I'd be pretty pissed off if my country was still using the Julian calendar in 1917.


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