Monday, November 03, 2008

Your tax dollars at work...

...driving the economy. Bribing the voters. Raising the dead.


  1. well, the dead have to rise before election day in Chicago.


  2. Christ, keep your mouth shut. The Zombie voting block is frigging HUGE, and they'll start catering to them for the '12 election.

    "From each, according to cranium size, to each according to hunger for brains!"

  3. Behold his mighty power!

  4. With the 'in your face' vote fraud, the campaign contributions from Elvis and the Ghostbusters, the suppression of dissenting views and media who aren't 'Team O players', it should be pretty obviouse that our last presidential election was the last one. This one is more of a Chicago-style gang heist.

  5. No wonder they are worried about bitter gun clingers if a signficant voting bloc is zombies.

    After all, what are they gonna charge you with for shooting a zombie?

    "Discharge of a firearm within city limits?"

    Here's my 50$ fine, can I have my season pass?

  6. Speaking of raising the dead - that alarm in the back bedroom is set for 4 something. You might want to make sure the button is off.

    See you all in a few days.

  7. I almost understand why I can't get my morning fix of Tam, sigh. Do good stuff for Barkley.


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