Tuesday, December 09, 2008

"And feed them on your dreams...

...The one they picked, the one you'll know by."

If little Billy wants one of these for Christmas, you can be excited! He obviously dreams of growing up to work in one of the fastest growing career fields in the U.S.; one with good government bennies, some "only ones" privileges, and a bit of petty larceny on the side.

And when the playing possibilities of the TSA checkpoint are exhausted, it's time to move up to the "Fourth-Amendment-Violating Roadblock" playset! Hours of fun!

(...and while the airport checkpoint is obviously parody, what does it say about things that the highway checkpoint is a real toy? And why doesn't it come with Rolfie the überhund, sniffer of crotches and four-legged Constitutional Law expert?)


  1. Man, this toy definitely calls for some good "customer images" at Amazon.

    Unfortunately, that'd mean buying one.

  2. Combine it with one of these and then take pics.

  3. Have you READ the customer comments on the roadblock playset?? OMG, they're hysterical!!

  4. Playmobil is owned and produced by geobra Brandstätter GmbH & Co KG, out of Zirndorf, Germany.

    Some European mindsets regard police roadblocks as being completely natural and logical.

    I do kind of wonder who thought the Police Roadblock series was worth importing to the United States and if these sets are selling all that well.


  5. Go read the comments for both toy sets...some of them Amazon users have good snark...

  6. This one is pretty cool though.


  7. Hmmm. How 'bout a BATF "protect the citizens from gunz" toy set? Battering rams, snipers, dog-shooters, the works. Mattel, are you listening?

    Oooo! Oooo! Lon Horiuchi dolls! Brilliant!

  8. If I ever see anyone buying one of these or playing with one of these or even in possession of one of these I'll probably lose it and slap the living dogshit out of them.

    Is nothing sacred anymore?

    I'm with you slick, WTF ???



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