Friday, December 12, 2008

Best. Blogger. Handle. EVAR.

Anybody who uses the nom de blog "I drive my tractor in pearls..." has got to be worth a read.


  1. I think I like her politics.

    New Constitutional Convention after 34 or so red states decide they've had Enough, and doing away with the 16th and 17th Amendments, keeping all the otherwise good stuff in the Constitution? Wow. I guess I should listen to Boortz more often and read her blog.

    ...and here I was thinking Texas should just be a Republic again...


  2. Problem is, we could get anything out of a new ConCon. Dangerous ground.

  3. I understand that, but if it's rational (i.e., people who have actually read the thing) people at the CC, maybe we can get something back like the founders intended.

    I agree with you; we might get something worse, but we might get something right, too.


  4. I'm kind of hoping it's only in pearls. Sigh...

  5. Hey yall - only pearls....crack me up!

    In regards to the Con Con - we could get something worse, but I bet the minute that its called it makes all these people who walk around not knowing whats going on, pay attention. Can you imagine the ALL HELL BREAKS LOOSE problems we would have if they changed the Constution instead of going back to what it really says and kicking out the IRS?

    On a side note, I am a Texas Gurl and I understand wanting TX to tell the Union to take a flying leap. Texas History ROCKS!!

    Thanks for the plug - keep up keeping people informed! Its the only way we are going to beat these idiots!

    Thanks again - Pearls

  6. And Barbara Billingsly only vacuumed in pearls.


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