Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Call me crazy...

...but maybe the money spent on Mr. Stephens' Engine Shop could have been spent more wisely, like on making their cars less craptastic.

(I got all the parts right, BTW, 'cause I'm cool like 'dat.)


  1. Eh, I learned something. Not a total waste. I drive a Toyota anyway.

  2. I did not know the ZR-1 has a twin-screw compressor. I guess you learn something new every day. Shame that GM builds one decent car (the C6) and a bunch of crap otherwise. (Ditto Ford & Chrysler)

  3. What did you trade your Z3 in for anyway? I don't think you ever said, but if you did, I certainly missed it.

  4. I got 'em all right, too, so that's not saying a heck of a lot... I know my way around an engine - theoretically, that is... :)

  5. GM does make some good cars depending on your taste. I got 278,000 miles out of my last GM car and I have no reason to expect less from the one I'm driving now. But then I'm a boring mid-sized sedan kind of guy.

  6. FWIW, in the 30's GM published (in their "Thought Starters" series), a comic-book version of The Road to Serfdom.

    And that didn't save them either.


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