Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Chicagoese-to-English Dictionary:

"No taint of scandal" is Chicagoese for "The wiretap was busted so he hasn't been caught yet."

Also, his race is listed as a qualification, which kind of appalled me, since I thought I was supposed to be the evil racist and they were supposed to be all "...but by the content of their character."

Look, race and sex and religion don't matter to me. I don't care if it's a green-skinned devil-worshiping hermaphrodite from the moons of Neptune; are they not a crook and can they do the job?


  1. Why does anything related to Chicago still surprise? There is no bottom to that cesspool of depravity.

    WV: unking


  2. Well, the guy from Neptune would have to be a naturalized US citizen and resident in the US for 9 years, of course, but sure, why not? Probably plenty of them in Roswell who fill that bill.

    WV: paygost

    Space ghost?

  3. Nice. This is typical. And unsurprising

  4. "Also, his race is listed as a qualification, which kind of appalled me..."

    As it should, and why I keep the G3 "well regulated."

    These people mean to rule you and me. They aren't the well-meaning type, either, I fear.

  5. I'm not so sure about the devil worshipping, because I am concerned about the "my lord will consume the souls of humanity" plank in his/her/whatever platform. The rest I don't care about.

  6. "Chicago" and "honest politician" is an oxymoron.

  7. Don't blame me, I voted for Krang.

  8. Mr. Burris has long experience with Illinois Governors. The first appointed position he held was under Dan Walker, the last Democrat Governor to go to prison.
    (After Walker came "Big Jim" Thompson (R-Who Sent You?), who was way too slick to go to jail, followed by Jim Edgar (R-Central Casting) who dodged his MSI scandal and is a free man today. Then George Ryan (R-Terre Haute Federal Pen) and that brings us to Rod Blagojevich (D-Paul Mitchell Hair Care). He'll fit right in.

  9. Uhm. You said, "'taint."

  10. I draw the line at Neptoonians. Too many fingers.

  11. Would the Neptuna need a birth certificate? I only ask because...

    We like to say, Oh that Chicago, or, LA, Meh. Sometimes, What do you expect in DC. This is like saying, Forget it Jake, it's Chinatown. Rest [un]assured that if your local politicians are not doing just the same, it's because they missed a seminar at the convention. Zoning boards sell development permits, school boards redline neighborhoods at realtor request with proper payment, party committeemen green-light careers for well-connected shitheels. In Nashville, in Indianapolis, in Akron, in Toledo, in New Haven.

    We are all Chicagoans now.

  12. It has been my experience that, while all politics has some level of stink wafting from it, the flavor, intensity and pervasiveness of the funk does vary from place to place.

    For instance, Atlanta's corruption, though endemic, was usually fairly harmless and inept and had a sort of entertaining, comic-opera quality.

    Knoxville's machinery seemed fairly businesslike and unobtrusive by comparison.

    I haven't really gotten a good feel for Indy yet.


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