Wednesday, December 31, 2008


The headline at the Hamas Ministry of Propaganda this morning said "Israel rejects call for truce; Gaza attacks to continue".

Hey, Zippy, they had a truce. Hamas kinda broke it by lobbing rockets into Israel, remember? Hamas could have peace any time it wants; all it needs to do is stop shooting and blowing stuff up.


  1. I guess there is a new definition of "peace" now. I guess it means being assailed by terrorist scum-bags while you do nothing. Wow, no wonder nobody wants to give it a chance!

  2. Personally, I'm with P.J. O'Rourke: Give War A Chance.

  3. Hamas also has to stop digging tunnels. That is what started this go around, and at least one other that I remember.

    This is about how it goes as near as I can tell:
    Hamas: "We need rockets to fight the infidels! But they won't let us bring in the material to make rockets to blow them up with. hmm... what can we do? I know lets dig a tunnel!"

    Having been through this cycle several times Israel blows up the tunnels that it finds. Then...

    Hamas: "The infidel pigs blew up my tunnel! Time to light off the rockets that we were able to get through."

    Israel then gets sick of that and does something about it, which tends to involve lots of things getting blown up including some people.

    Peace in the middle east will happen if Obama pulls support from Israel. After all who do you think they get their bombs from?

  4. I think we need to assemble "Martyrdom Kits" for all these wannabes in Hamas. You could include a bottle of whisky, a pork pie, a copy of Playboy and a zipgun with one bullet in it.

  5. Interesting how little play we heard of Hamas rockets killing two Palestinian girls. And this refusal of Israel is easy to understand, when, just as the Israeli cabinet is meeting to discuss a suspension of air strikes in Gaza, Hamas militants fire rockets into an Israeli town, hitting a kindegarten.

  6. Interesting how little play we heard of Hamas rockets killing two Palestinian girls. And this refusal of Israel is easy to understand, when, just as the Israeli cabinet is meeting to discuss a suspension of air strikes in Gaza, Hamas militants fire rockets into an Israeli town, hitting a kindegarten.

  7. Hamas are idiots... They keep shooting rockets at the power station THAT SUPPLIES GAZA... All the Isralies have to do is turn off the power; but they won't because that would kill power to the hospitals in Gaza. The media is on Hamas side- If they ever showed the true cost of rocket/mortar attacks on the Isrealis, public opinion would turn against Hamas in a week.

  8. I fail to see that the Israel-Palestine fight is any business of the United States.

    I really fail to see why I should have to work to financially support BOTH SIDES to the tune of billions.

    It's ten million people altogether, and they cause more angst than any other hundred million on the planet.

  9. Do they even know why they're fighting eachother? Really?


  10. The REALLY pathetic thing was that Hamas was ALREADY firing rockets at Israel, they just formally ANNOUNCED that the truce was over and started firing *more* rockets.

    I've come to the conclusion that they really have absolutely no other strategy in their toolbox- for governing Palestinians in general, not just for conflict- than "attack Israel".

  11. Remember what happened when Israel de-occupied this region? When they turned over productive, functioning hydroponic greenhouses and such for the Pali's to bust up? They take an Emerald City and make a Gary, Indiana out of everything they control, these Palestinians.

  12. unreal. I feel for those people who do not even realize that their 'government' is at fault.

    staghounds, the sooner the conflict is over the sooner money can stop being spent on each side. Money flows in exchange for influence, even if that influence is hidden away, it exists.

  13. Steve: But the money isn't being spent to end the conflict.

  14. If they want peace, nations should avoid the pin-pricks that precede cannon shots.
    -- Napolean Bonaparte


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