Friday, December 26, 2008

Interesting times.

So the Pakistani army is standing to.

Don't they know that if they just wait another few weeks that everything will be okay? The Lightbringer will ascend and then they can just join arms with India and sing "Kumbaya"...


  1. STRATFOR's article covers a lot of this same ground very well. I'm no world politics wonk, so I got a lot of out if anyway.

    BTW: Just read the tag line (new?) and I feel like an insider. I'm ready to get busy.

  2. Could get really stupid. If Pakistan had gotten nuked under a competent US Pres, then the Taliban would be screwed ... no one to prevent us from just going in and killing them.

    Under the lightworker? They get their own country again.

  3. Another aspect - if India and Pakistan go at it, conventional or nuclear, does China get involved?

  4. OTOH, with the Pak army moving to face India, the Afghan border is open to Predators seeking taliban and Al Q scalps.

  5. Isn't that what the terrorists wanted in the first place? To incite an active conflagration with India?

    word verif: "Fluper" - that's fluper-duper.

  6. For an entire nation and a whole sub-continent comprising 1.103 Billion people who are culturally and institutionally Vegetarian they can be surprisingly bellicose - I think that nips any pious non-meat eating "peaceful vegetarian" theory right in the bud.
    As per your prior essay a little red-meat and they might sleep more peacefully...

  7. I was going to say, pffft, its like there is a quarter of the world's population there and both sides have nukes or something, but I appear to have been beaten to it. It sounds to me like a bad deal if things there got messy.

  8. Dirt: it ain't as simple as that. There are a enough vegs there to see to it that vegetarian is always an option on planes and trains, but the majority still eats meat when they can afford it.

    Just the upper-caste folks and the jains are seriously into that crap, and the brahmin's political clout might be waning.

  9. Let's hope the Paki's and Indians don't start going at it. India will kick Pakistan's butt; but if nukes start getting exchanged, look for both China and Russia to stand to as well.

    One of Pakistan's biggest problems is the gov't really only has control over about half the country. The rest of it is tribal areas only nominally under the control of the Paki gov't.


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