Friday, December 05, 2008

Monitor problem solved!

Thanks to Less, I can once again see what I am typing without it going to snow or suddenly getting washes of static that make it look like someone's about to come on the screen and say "The aliens are overrunning our positions! Send help!"

(Also, longtime followers of this blog who have near eidetic memory will recall that my 19" ViewSonic tube crapped out early in '06, forcing me to cannibalize the 17" Mitsu CRT from my guest machine at my old crib. Then the 17" Mitsu started to give the occasional flicker earlier this year and so I downchecked it and started using a hand-me-down generic 15" LCD from my roomie. The 15" LCD started going wonky, and Less kindly volunteered a 17"... And now I'm back to the same screen real-estate and resolution I had to start with.)


  1. You can usually fix the occasional flash and pop by getting a can of air, taking the back and shield off the monitor, and blowing all the dust out.

    That kind of flicker a lot of times is HV arcing over dust tracks or spider webs. I fixed my 36" RCA television like that...

  2. That's funny, Tam. The 19" Daewoo monitor that I got in early 2003 for my new home PC died earlier this year.

    Not wishing to shell out any ducats getting a new monitor for a (nearly) 6 year old PC, I went up into the attic (a.k.a. the graveyard of old electronics) and grabbed the 15" monitor that came with the HP Pavilion we bought in 1998.

    A quick dusting of the innards, and sure 'nuff, I had a working monitor.

    Shortly thereafter, the wireless keyboard died, and I replaced it with the keyboard from the HP set-up. So my home machine is a 6 year old home-build with 10 year old peripherals...

    I should blog about it too. (Oh, wait, I already did...)

  3. I wonder if your PC is on the same circuit as your furnace. Those old houses. You never know...


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