Wednesday, December 03, 2008

Note to self...

When calling in to intarw3bz radio programs, know what you're planning on saying ahead of time. Just because you were yelling incoherently at the monitor, doesn't mean you should then do so into the phone. Also, it's all audio; they can't see you gesticulating wildly.


  1. 30 years below the Mason-Dixon and I still say "y'all" like I'm sitting in the left field bleachers at Wrigley...

  2. It was awesome. Sadly, like I said when talking to the Breda earlier, we had 2, 3, maybe even 4 hours of content with just one of those topics, never mind the two or three things that we did end up talking about.

    Also, as a side note, I would in fact that 5 Jeanne Assam's against all 10 of those guys that shot up the hotel, and expect Team Jeanne to come out on top. That's the "trained and motivated" person, right there.

  3. Tam, I'll second what Alan said.

    And that's coming from the guy who speed-talked through his own call so you could make it on...


  4. You sounded more coherent than when I call in. Next time just tell us how your gesticulating. A good narration always helps.

  5. I squee'd like a big dork, don't feel bad. I thought you did great. So great, in fact, that I think we should do a Tam episode of Gun Nuts.

  6. My rule of thumb is that when public speaking I, for the duration of the public exposure, lose 20 IQ points. Therefore when in that situation I need to really know my stuff before opening my mouth.

    I could tell you had dropped a few points as you dialed the phone but you were still well above 100.

    You did fine from the audience viewpoint. It's just that from your perspective you had better awareness all those points left on the floor.

  7. Getting on the don't-see-what's-the-problem-here bandwagon. The call had a point and it arrived quickly. Those are the best kinds of calls.

  8. Hey, I thought that "y'all" was right cute. :)

    Got a request for you though. Towards the end y'all were taking about the whole "small numbers of highly trained people" vs "large numbers of poorly trained but highly motivated people" thing - and it reminded me of one of those books you had lying around the Porch once upon a time - the one that prompted you to say something to the effect of "Desert Storm was horrible for Soviet arms dealers."

    So... any chance for a blog post on that topic sometime, since it got ya talking once? :)

  9. When I heard your voice I squee'ed all alone at home and I wasn't even drunk. Was drinking iced-tea. Oh, and I though, wow, she sounds so measured and sedate. So, that's you keyed up? I'm pretty much a Jack Russell Terror pretty much all the time, so I sound dork-on-roids when I call in to a show.

    You sounded great and you made important points. I hope you'll do that again!

  10. Sorry I missed the show live, but I listened to it in my car today.

    I fully agreed with your point. My local boyscout troop is better trained than these "highly-trained" terrorists.

    Bottom line, we need more Tam on GNTNG.

  11. I hear you. I really do.


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