Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Overheard in the Kitchen...

Me: "I'm hungry..."

RX: "So eat something."

Me: "I don't know what I'm hungry for. But oh, am I hungry. Oh, me so hungry. Ooh! Soup! Miso hungry!"

RX: "That'd be a great name for a soybean paste soup."

Me: "Yeah, but Miso Horny would sell better."

Instant spasms of laughter.

Guess you hadta be there.


  1. "miso horny" would be hard to get in those little packets. But if you could do it, I'll buy a case.

  2. "...five dollars is all my mom allows me to spend...

  3. Oh great! See what you started??

  4. Yut getting cabin happy and we ain't even into the good stuff yet. Another month and we'll havta come peel you off the ceiling with a putty knife. ;)

  5. No, no! It's "oh, baby, miso soupy!"

  6. May I suggest an array of products from Blue Q's fabulous Miso Pretty line? I have the shoulder bag and the tattoos and other fably cutie-pie bits from the line.

  7. Miso Horny? Yeah, I knew her. Nice girl. Then we got married, and she changed her name to Miso Bitchy. Oh well, live and learn.

  8. Phlegmmy,

    You always find the coolest stuff!


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