Monday, December 29, 2008


For his next trick, he will write a blog post in cuneiform on clay tablets.


  1. Or maybe he needs a Steampunk theme for his blog now. I liked it tho, could hear the "clack-clack" of the keys as I read it.

  2. I was gonna have one of my kids do a cave drawing which I would then make a daguerrotype from...

  3. Honestly Tam: I wouldn't put it past Marko to do just that...

    Funny: my captcha was "colds". Like I DIDN'T know?

  4. Maybe he'll utilize the Sherlock Holmes Dancing Men cipher.

  5. hey, I found that page using this search engine:

  6. I remember when daisy wheels were the nads. I also remember re-inking typewriter ribbons to get another usage out of them. Oh God, I'm older than mud.

    Come to think of it, I still have the old Remington down in the gun room. The portable typewriter, not the rifle.

    Hey, comes the EMP burst, I may be the height of technology again. Gotta get me some more vacuum tubes.

  7. I dumped the manual typewriter in the last move as it was getting to hard to find ribbons for it. I do agree with Marco that manual has a certain commitment to the words.

  8. Heh, when tech-supporting over the phone I still catch myself telling the person, "now, hit the return key"
    and its 50/50 that I get a "huh??" out of the person

  9. Bob, I'm still looking for that damned "Any" key...


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