Wednesday, December 10, 2008

This just creeps me out.

*Sniff* *Sniff*

Does that smell like Stockholm Syndrome to you, too?


  1. Let us play a game, shall we? It's called "count the crimes"!

    1. Being in violation of a restraining order.
    2. Being in possession of a firearm while subject to a restraining order.
    3. Shooting your wife in the chest.
    4. Is "being a douche" a crime? I need a ruling.

    So we have three quite obvious crimes here; and the wife wants me to believe that this guy scored an accidental bullseye center-of-mass on her?

  2. I just have this feeling that if there was video of the photo in that article, she'd be blinking "H-E-L-P-M-E" in Morse code.

  3. I've no more enamel left on my teeth, so often have I seen this.

    Well, not this, exactly....

  4. It's always sad when an abused spouse continually defends the abuser. I've seen it as well, they just can't live without the abuser, even if it kills them.

    I think the saddest part is that everyone around them is pretty much helpless to stop the inevitable train-wreck.

  5. To be fair, we don't know that she IS an abused spouse. I was accused of abuse by an ex g/f once, and she got a restraining order. Her reason? When we broke up, I quit paying for her cell phone. The judge, in the preliminary hearing ruled that depriving her of communication with her family was domestic violence, because I was using "economic force."

    We (my attorney and I) got the judge recused, and I eventually won. It took months and thousands of $$$.

    There are many women who use our very strict domestic violence laws as leverage in divorce proceedings and to get revenge on ex-lovers.

  6. Yeah, but to flip it around - you didn't shoot her in the chest.

  7. I gotta say that a sucking chest wound counts as "abuse" in my book.

  8. Hell, the comments are better than the article. Lots of projection and transference.

    And one point and time this used to be handled by fathers and brothers...what happened?

  9. And one point and time this used to be handled by fathers and brothers...what happened?

    The slow and steady emascualtion of males happened. . .

  10. Accidental my butt.
    The police can handle this wihtout her cooperation. He was in violation of a protective order and the fact she invited him over don't mean squat. He was in possession of a firearm while under a protective order. This is a Federal crime. Most times I'm for the police minding their own business but this time they can do good. Jack him up.

  11. Stuff like this reminds me why I'll be single the rest of my life. I won't beat one, let alone shoot her. So I'm a schmuck, where the guy who will bring down her world around her ears, he she will defend to the teeth.

  12. There are times that I think I would be better off just moving into a small apartment with my dog and becoming a recluse. Stories like this do nothing for my faith in humanity.


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