Saturday, December 27, 2008

True confessions...

So I got here on Christmas Day, and Gunsmith Bob's folks had the TeeWee on, and... you know that House show that I was being snarky about and had never watched and stuff? Well, there was a House marathon on USA. And I watched, like, three or four episodes. And then three more last night. That's a pretty addictive little bit of TeeWee right there; I could see myself buying DVDs.

It's also an awesome personnel management training video.


  1. Tell me about it. The evil Miss B got me watching House. I went from proudly disdaining most all TV to watching a serial show....

    Oh, how I have fallen!

  2. yeah, I gotta tell you, I HATE network TV, as a general rule. And there's a lot to be said for the fact that Hugh Laurie has spent most of his career making googly eyes on Blackadder. But it's fun to watch.

  3. I like House too. Hugh Laurie hosted Saturday Night Live a couple of weeks ago, and it was weird to hear him speaking with his natural British accent, even though I'd first seen him playing Bertie Wooster.

    And the House theme music is by Massive Attack.

  4. There's actually a lot of good TV out there. I just don't have time to watch it. I don't know how people do it, really. The Simpsons is still good, and I like The Family Guy if only for their willingness to go way off track and ignore their story for an extended gag.
    House is fun, and Boston Legal has really bright moments (usually when Shatner is on the screen.) The Office is funny.

    But generally, when people at work say "Did you see Boston Legal last night?" I just didn't see it. I didn't have time.

  5. But all of TV is a barren wasteland, right? ;)

    House is a fun show. There are plenty of other good shows on as well. Sifting through the trash is the hard part.

  6. dvd's are the way to go. putting the marathon episodes in chronological order is a pain.

  7. House kicks butt, plain and simple.

    In fact, he kicks so much butt that he's pushed one patient to shoot him, another to try and get him run up on drug charges, and a third, unmet, to take a roomful of hostages in trade for treatment.

    It's like watching a train wreck, except it's some kind of test crash in a controlled facility, because while it's still a crash, it's under scrupulous control...

  8. yknow, i ignored house for the first couple of seasons. i figured if most of the US was obsessed with it, i wouldn't like it (see: Lost and all incarnations of reality TV).

    then i saw one episode. House is like one of the doctors i used to work for at the job i left a month ago, except House has a sense of humor and a heart.

    i'm hooked on the bloody thing.

  9. Don't watch much of that stuff myself, but I can hardly pry my wife away from the TV when it's on.

    I'd rather just tune it to the Sirius satellite radio channels. Less distracting.

    falnfenix: Nice Ninja. Good little commuters those are.

  10. I loved House for the first two seasons, but grew disenchanted with it by the middle of the third. Ah well. Hugh Laurie is a fantastic actor and the rest of the cast is pretty good too, but I became irritated with some of the writers, a few of whom seemed to be working at cross-purposes.

    I'll second what others have said- there's a lot of good TV out there, it's just that in accordance with Sturgeon's Law, a hell of a lot of crap-sifting needs to be done to find it. Wonder if there's ever going to be word on whether Middleman gets another season...

  11. I LOVE HOUSE and ADORE Hugh Laurie!! I haven't missed an episode since the very first one.
    What a complex character and how AMAZING is Hugh Laurie???
    I really like Wilson too.
    The only one I really don't like is 13.
    I agree with all about nothing being on tv. HOUSE is the only show I watch.

  12. Something interesting, I think: Don states that he doesn't watch even the good stuff because he doesn't have the time. I grok that, but is it that he doesn't have the time, or he doesn't have the time to watch it when it's on, or set up a VCR or Tivo to record it so he can watch it later?

    I watch very little TV, but what I do watch, I find I watch on The standard 1-hour show runs about 42-47 minutes, and has 4-5 15-30 second commercials in it, period. Plus, I get to pick what I want to watch and when I want to watch it.

    I suddenly think broadcast and cable TV are going to have the same problem that print and broadcast media are experiencing now - loss of advertising revenue. Bigtime.


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