Friday, December 12, 2008

We fear change.

I have stuck with this same stock blogger template for over three years now.

Is it stale? Or comfortable?

I am greatly resistant to change for change's sake, as anyone who has tried to get me to try the latest wondermags in my 1911 knows ("But it doesn't malf with Wilson 47D's. Why should I change?" "These new ones are better." "Better how?") but should I freshen things up? And why am I asking a bunch of complete strangers questions like this at 0330 in the morning when I'm not even in a bar?

I mean, if we were all in a bar together, you know, maybe shooting a little pool, and it was three thirty in the morning and they'd turned the lights on and were putting the stools up on the tables, trying to give us little hints, these would be the kind of questions I'd be asking y'all. Does this blog make me look fat? And isn't there supposed to be some joint out by the county line that's open all night? Let's go shoot some stick there.


  1. I've been thinking about changing my 47D carry mags over to Checkmates with the dimple and Hybrid lips (Colt OEM) for about a year now. I really like them at the range but I still have not worked up to making the change yet...

    We've got too much change going on right now. Its nice and comfy, just please try not to hit up with any hope/change in the near future.

  2. Hell, your writing stands on it's own, as it should. I never do much with my place, because if the writing don't stand, fuggit.

    Captcha: Watoogis. I'm going hunting in five minutes, and I'm probably gonna freeze my watoogis off.

  3. Posted at 3:25 AM.

    In my younger days, that's about when I'd be rolling in from a night out on the town.


    It's about an hour before I wake up, so I can get to the gym before Mrs. G. goes to work...

    Don't change for the sake of hopenchange, Tam...

  4. Everything was making sense up to when somebody, and I don't know who it was, suggested we do tequila shooters.

  5. I thought you probably didn't want to see this, so here it is anyway:

  6. Ya'know, as someone who stands to benefit from website design, I'm going to H-S Precision myself (i.e. shoot myself in the foot) and say "Keep the Change".

    You're writing is what sets you apart. You could go to green background with plaid text and I think we'd still show up for the snark.

    I've kept the same basic skin for my blog since the beginning, but I modify it from time to time just to shake things up. Generally that involves changing a part of some image somewhere or expanding the layout a bit, but overall it's kind of my 'look' and I like it.

    If you really want change, maybe go with a deep shade of mauve for links or something.

    Of course, to anyone who is looking for web design, I can be bartered with for ammo and firearms!

  7. It's the content that interests me, not the pink and peach decor. That won't change if you redecorate. Do what you prefer - I'm just glad you enjoy writing and are willing to let us continue to read.

  8. "There are two types of fools in the world:

    The first ones say, 'This is old, and therefore good'.

    The second ones say, 'This is new, and therefore better.'"

    It's a nice interface to read. I'd say, 'If it ain't broke, don't fix it.'

  9. Just write, sweet lady, just write...screw the layout.

  10. The phrase, "If it ain't broke, don't fix it," applies to page layouts as well as pistol magazines.

  11. I can think of better things to talk with you about at 0330 after a night in the bar, but I digress...

    You blog is fine by me, but then mine is pretty crappy looking and I could care less, so maybe I'm not qualified.

  12. Your blog, your choice. I stop by for the words, not the font.

  13. Please leave it alone. Works fine as it is, and the changes I've seen in other blogs scream "Don't do it!"

    Winter blahs and the "Yankee weather" must be getting you down.
    Same in these parts.

    But Spring, the time of renewals and housecleanings, is even worse for unnecessary changes.

  14. I shall join the horde of those with no opinion or inertial resistance to change.

  15. If it is not necessary to change, it is necessary not to change.

  16. Make it look good to you. If you start entertaining one commenter saying "Well I'd like to see it as..." then in about two seconds flat after making the change you'll have another saying the new one gives you a headache, and four more swearing never to read again unless you go to taupe on mauve with a third group saying death to the taupe&mauvers, the true path is cyan on goldenrod and you'll be spending all your time messing with CSS files and too pissed off about it all to bother blogging.

  17. I like pictures - but I'm a picture kinda visual and graphicky photo and interface usery type, it's how I (don't) make a living - changing other people's stuff. I'm not real keen on the pink bits, but just don't go white on black. The gray is kind of lean and thinning.

  18. Function before fanciness. How many novels can you name where the pages contained something other than black type printed on white pages? Me neither. That's because high-contrast schemes and legible text are easy on the eyes.

    The Internet is littered with poor design, and I can assure you that, as a person who reads a large quantity of electronic documentation (for fun and profit), loud colors and busy background images make it harder than it needs to be.

  19. Can you change it so that it dispenses 1911's through my screen?

    If it can't do that, I say don't bother.

  20. I like it as is. I've passed on blogs because they were hard to read, but never because the layout wasn't punchy.

  21. I’ve often been asked, “What do you think is the biggest contributing factor to failure?”

    I can easily answer that question with one word… inaction.

    To succeed, you have to do something, something that will move you toward what you want. When you’re not moving toward what you want, you’re suffering in what you don’t want. It’s like quicksand, and you get stuck there. It paralyzes you, so that just taking the first step seems unachievable.

    But the first step is better than the quicksand because it’s one step closer to where you want to be and what you want to be doing. And that inaction is what kills more businesses and relationships than anything else.

    Avoid failure… take action!

    Check out this great resource I've been using to fuel my motivation: Let me know what you all think!

  22. I'm going to disagree with nearly every comment I've seen so far and say that your blog could use a little work.

    First, I see it on a 1024x768 resolution, so it may appear different on something different. But here with the details:

    Banner: Size ok, but nondescript. (I'm not perfectly happy with mine, either). Preferably in colors that contrast to the main page colors.

    There's an ad immediately under the banner that I find irritating; IMO, all ads should be in the sidebar and not allowed to interfere with your side of the blog.

    Having said that, your sidebar takes up as much screen space as your text area; if you can tweak it so it's sidebar sized (narrowed), it would be better.

    I'm a big fan of black text on white background. Perhaps experiment with different fonts, but this is a minor thing. Minor tweaks are changes to color of links, post headers, etc.

    Word Verification: untess (of the Und'urbervilles?

  23. I too was once hesitant about change...and then I discovered wordpress and haven't looked back...Now I probably change a little too much.

  24. No problems reading it, and navigation is easy. Leave it be. At most, put a different picture at the top.

  25. It's not that I don't like change, it's that I really like stability...


  26. OK, since some people are taking it more seriously than I did at first...

    Maybe the questions should be:

    1. Would anyone quit reading if you didn't change it?

    2. Would anyone quit reading if you did?

    3. Would you attract more new readers if you did change it?

    4. Are you thinking of changing it for your readers or for yourself?

    I'm of Og's mind - unless it abuses my eyes to try to read it (and it currently does not do that), I read for the content and not for the glitz. That's why I don't think you need to change.

  27. Nothing new to add. Sorry Bob, but I gotta go with Weetabix and the majority of the boys and girls.
    Why put new paint on the house if the old stuff isn't peeling? It's a happy place to visit, and there's nothing wrong with familiar.

  28. Rack 'em!
    The comment about moving the ad to the side and cleaning up the links sidebar couldn't hoit.

  29. pink isn't my favourite colour but i'm here anyway :) ... contents way out-weight style for me any day and i like reading your stuff.

    vw: imorag - an immoral muslim. (oops, did i say that!).

  30. Same Same all good....

  31. Red flaming letters on a black background.

    Internet v0.01ß FTW!

  32. Stale.

    But, having said that I come for the vittles and not the ambiance.

    Keep up the good writing.

    Ha! Word verification "serin" I read it quickly as siren as in the song that keep you coming back.

    How fitting! Keep singing Tam


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