Sunday, December 21, 2008

WTF, over?

It was supposed to get up to 14 or 15 degrees today. Instead it's a sunny two in the afternoon and it's actually a degree colder than it was before sunrise.

Nine. Degrees. Out. There.




  1. Yeah, but when it's 110 in Texas this summer you'll be happy you're there in Indy.

  2. Its COLD out here in Vegas too. 40 Degrees, I'm going to have to put on a sweatshirt before I leave the house today.

    If it makes you feel any better NW Indiana (Back home for me) is 2 degrees right now. I'll take a couple months of 110F with no humidity over the weather in the great lakes region for most of the year.

  3. I had to drag Bambi into the garage before church to thaw out so I could butcher it today. It's .7 here.

  4. I was looking out the front door, wondering whether the snow on the sidewalk was deep enough to need shoveling again, when a city snowplow came by and made it about 14 inches deeper.

    I think I figured out why they have elections just before snow season.

  5. Check your email. .. there's a poster. . . . .

  6. Girl you need to get up early more , its almost allways warmer before sunrise than after .

  7. I live on the east coast of Vancouver Island, the only part of Canada that isn't supposed to get snow.

    I just finished shoveling two and a half feet of snow off the deck. We were afraid it would collapse!

    Someone call algore.

  8. And NOAA shows it going to TWO degrees tonight. You are going to freeze your snark off.....

  9. Kwitchercumplainin'. You are describing a dadgum heatwave.

    Where the heck is that big phony Algore when he's needed?

  10. But it's a dry cold...


  11. It was 4 this morning here near KC. It got all the way up to 11 this afternoon. Now it's down to -1 and going deeper.

    KC doesn't get much snow. The wind outa Colorado usually blows it all east to Illinois. But, it does get COLD.

    Global warming. Ha!

  12. -5 in my neck of Cheeseland this afternoon.

    I just finished digging out my mailbox from the onslaught of the county snowplows.

    They're predicting another 5" of global warming tonight.

    My game with the plows and frostbite will continue.

  13. Had a foot of snow yesterday, and another six inches today. 25-35 mph winds, gusting to 45, windchill sub zero, dropping like a stone later tonight, all the roads covered in black ice, and powerlines coming down like firecrackers on the 4th of July.

    But, it's New England. "Eff ya don't like the weatha, wait five minutes".

    Freezing rain and heavy winds on Christmas Eve, when son from L.A. and daughter/husband/new baby are on their way over from Ireland to spend a few days in the picturesque little village nestled in the foothills of the Berkshire Hills.
    Berkshire Hills is tourist speak for the Appalachins, and there are areas only a few minutes west of here that could fit quite nicely in Harlan County Kentucky.
    Except our crotchety, independent Mountain Williams usually get a lot more snow.

  14. If only someone would invent latitudes that were more - how you say? - Southern. ;-)

  15. I'm on vacation in Oregon, where it is supposed to rain all winter. Instead there's a couple feet of snow, covered with 1/2" of ice. Roads are closed, kids are snowboarding on the streets and it is questionable if we will get back to Utah, where it's supposed to snow on Tuesday.

  16. So, Does that mean you are not going to the range?

    It was around 48 here today in NC. I shot an USPSA match, and it was getting balmy towards the end. Man that 9 degrees sounds cold, but endurable....... ;-)

  17. I guess I shouldn't complain about how cold it has been here lately.

    I'm still gonna shiver in silence though.

  18. Interesting. Spoke with my mother just over the IL border in Danville, and it was +1F there at 5pm local.

    Of course, the world has officially ended here in Seattle. I've got nearly a foot in my backyard, and the closest plowed street is nearly 1/3rd of a mile away.

  19. Yeah, its tough. Been 0 to -21 for the past week or so here in Montana. With snow, wind and all that. So quit griping. If you lived in say buffalo, life would suck. That lake effect snow-killla


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