Thursday, December 11, 2008

Yay for YouTube!

Bonus '90s fashion points if you squee out the names of the people in the video as they appear.


  1. Well, I'm squee free.

    Oh well.


  2. Couldn't take more than a couple of minutes of that. That was worse than being Rickrolled.

  3. Was that you, Tam, the shadow dancer??

    VW: vibbler. Naw. Too easy.

  4. Yep. I knew them all. When that song came out, all of my friends in high school substituted my name for the word "freedom" in the refrain. It got old really quick.

  5. Oh, lordy, why did you say that? Now the little karaoke voice in my head is going to be doing it too...

    People do that to me all the time! Thanks to Gunsmith Bob I bust out giggling every time I hear Elton John singing "Hold Me Closer Tony Danza"...

  6. I thought I saw Linda Evangelista, Naomi Campbell and Christi Turlington.

  7. I scored a big fat zero. Well... I spent the 90's listening to a different kind of music.

  8. Oooh Lasers! Pew! Pew! Pew!

    Crawford and Campbell I know, from from when the video came out. I don't know what it is about that video I've always liked, I may have to watch it again, muted...

  9. Hah! Can't watch that video in my country. The Great White North is cut off!

  10. Yum. Tatjana Patitz! That cat-eyed beauty can blow smoke in my face for as long as she likes.

  11. thanks for the link

    brings me back to a nice time

    when george michael was the soundtrack to my unusual life of being engulfed by women 15 years my junior

    ah ha

  12. Lots of Squeeeeeing, Linda, Naomi, Christy, Cindy and Tatjana, it was sorely lacking in Claudia, Milla, and Nadia tho, hard to believe that there was a time that "super models" weren't all stick figures, oh and there were some dudes in there I didn't recognize.

  13. Well, I struck out. Then again, I didn't know who they were in the original video, either.

    Still loved the 80s, though. Best decade of my life.


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