Tuesday, December 16, 2008

You want to know how cold it is?

It's so cold that Slinky, the little faerie-looking geriatricat, is hopping off her desktop resting place every time the furnace kicks on to go play bag lady atop a floor vent grate.

Then, when the furnace cuts off, she comes over and mews to be lifted back up onto the desk.

And when the furnace switches back on...





  1. This is why Zydeco has a heating pad covered by a blanket on the couch. When he started forcibly wedging himself in my lap while I was typing, it was a hint.

  2. Sounds like he needs a gangplank from the floor to your desktop. LOL!!

    wv: "undecko"

  3. Clearly you need to buy Slinky a space heater.

  4. The Slinker needs a heating pad.

  5. It was 1F this morning when Barb went out to start the Jeep to go to work.

    It didn't start. It wouldn't even turn over. That is how cold it was in Moscow Idaho this morning.

  6. It is so cold here that, yesterday when I went to take clothes out of the dryer, Ratbane jumped in.

    Look for a pic on I Can Haz Cheezeburger soon. (If I ever get he right caption...)

  7. -20 here y'day AM. The cats all died long ago.

  8. Our big, black cat crawled under the afghan we have on the back of the sofa. If it weren't for the lump under it, you'd never know where she went.

    First time she's done that.

  9. One of mine likes to sit beside me on the couch, front feet up on my knee, and chase the mouse pointer. The other? Off somewhere doing something of which I would likely disapprove.

  10. Our large (20#) tabby can be found most days either basking under my desk lamp or curled up under the covers on one of the beds.

    It's the under the covers thing I don't understand. Never had a cat do that before -- and he does it all year around.

    WV: unhaz. I think that is the verb used for cat barfing; e.g., "I can unhaz cheezburger? BLORF."

  11. Well, it must be true, because the next WV was "rially".


  12. My older cat has a pillow next to the heater. The younger one doesn't seem to mind.

    It's actually not particularly cold yet where I live (northern Europe, actually), my apartment just happens to be one with excellent exchange of air - there is even one corner where you can feel a nice refreshing draft when there is a wind outside from the right direction. Very cheap rent, though. Well, I will be moving sometime next year, I'm getting a bit old for this type of extreme.

  13. I'm with the cat. When I was a kid, I spent lots of time sitting on the heat vent with a blanket. It became a sport to get it to balloon up.

  14. Back when I had three cats the two toms would curl up face-to-face, each tucking his paws under the other to keep them warm.

    Now I'm down to just one (plus size), who has decided she's going to put my back out by curling up on top of me in the middle of the night.

    TW: cat-erm
    Erm, yes, she's a cat.


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