Thursday, January 15, 2009

AR bleg...

Does anybody have a spare rear takedown pin detent spring they're not using?


  1. Yes. I bought spares after my son-in-law lost one out of my AR a month ago.

    But it's probably just as easy to buy your own spares from here for $0.80 each.

    Especially since my spares are 300 miles away and I won't be going back there for another eight days.

  2. Heh.

    I'm sitting here thinking... "Dang. I'm snowed in and my kit was missing a spring. If only there was some way to use the internets to bring me one..."

    Like maybe an internet store perhaps?


    Heeere's my sign.

  3. If you want. . you can borrow my whole AR for the weekend. I get off work at 3:30 tomorrow.

  4. If shipping's too high and you can't get one local, I think I saw a few in a baggie the other day. Just email me where to send the thing.

  5. It's under your kitchen table, right next to and in the shadow of one of the legs.

    You can easily guess how I know this.

  6. Brian, just guessing here:
    You don't have cats, do you?

  7. We just got 27,000 in yesterday, but shipping one cost more then the spring. Hope it wasn't a DPMS kit, that would be embarrassing for me.

  8. Brownells can help. I should stock up on replacement springs and pins. I lost a 1/16" roll pin the other day--swept the floor and shifted. I finally found it hiding in a scrap of carpet I had on the bench. The search before last featured a bolt release spring I finally located in my shoe.

  9. Tam, you are welcome.

    I would have never said you need a sign. But I would appreciate you go easy on the snark the next time I have a brain fart

  10. Anonymous, you asked: "Brian, just guessing here: You don't have cats, do you?"

    Just one cat, but he's crafty. ;)

    {Word verification = adoottly. I'd thought that there was just one "t" in that word...}


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